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The Elecnor photovoltaic solar park in Valdecaballeros (Badajoz) will supply more than 7,800 homes in La Paz

Posted on December 13, 2010

Source: EP/XMR3

The company Elecnor has inaugurated this Monday the photovoltaic solar energy park of Valdecaballeros (Badajoz) with an official act that has been attended by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Environment of the Junta de Extremadura, José Luis Navarro, in addition to the main representatives of the company promoting the project.

The plant has an installed capacity of 10 MW and will serve to supply more than 7,800 homes in the province of Badajoz, Reports Elecnor in a press release.

During the inauguration, the president of Elecnor, Fernando Azaola, stressed that the Valdecaballeros solar park becomes, from today, one of the "outstanding symbols" of the aforementioned entity today.

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The plant was registered in the Register of Pre-allocation of remuneration associated with the call for the fourth quarter of 2009 and has been built throughout this year. It is a 10 MW wind farm with fixed structure and modules supplied by Elecnor's subsidiary, Atersa.

It occupies an area equivalent to 22 football fields and its operation will generate enough clean energy to supply the usual consumption of 7,815 Extremadura homes. The solar park will avoid the emission of more than 19,300 tons of CO2, that is, the same effect that 3,188,000 trees would produce, adds Elecnor.

In his speech, the president of Elecnor also highlighted Extremadura's commitment to clean energy, to the point that "in a very short time, in a few months, the percentage of regional electricity consumption based on these energies will reach the bar of 90%, one of the highest in the world".

It should be remembered that Elecnor is one of the main Spanish groups dedicated to the engineering, development and construction of infrastructure projects, renewable energies and new technologies.

Currently, the company is present in more than 20 countries, its main markets being Central America, South America, French-speaking and Portuguese Africa, and the Far and Middle East. (EUROPA PRESS)

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