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Sota warns that it will "very rigorously monitor" the deadlines of the industrial projects of the wind plan

Posted on December 7, 2010

The Minister of Industry and Technological Development of the Government of Cantabria, Juan José Sota, has warned the companies awarded the wind power allocation tender that there will be a "very rigorous monitoring" of the execution deadlines of the industrial and R + D + i projects associated with this plan.

In the coming days, the list of the winning companies will be definitively published in the Official Gazette of Cantabria --moment from which the appeals against the project can also be presented--.

Until January 1, 2013, according to the calendar of the contest, 75% of the wind farm projects will not have to be submitted, but the counselor recalled that one of the factors that was taken into account in the contest was the "agility" of the execution of the industrial and related R + D + i projects that they presented.

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The government has already met with the companies, and they are already "working" on fulfilling their "commitments". Sota has remarked that the Executive will monitor "very rigorously" compliance with the calendars established in the roadmap.

The seven companies and groups of companies awarded have committed investments of more than 2,000 million euros in industrial projects, R + D + i and in the construction of future wind farms.

Specifically, the winners of the wind tender were Nuevas Energías de Occidente S.L. (220 megawatts), Cantabria Generació S.L. (215 MW), Biobas, Jealsa and Engasa (210 MW), Biocantaber S.L. (205 MW), Sniace, Banco Santander and Helium (189 MW), E.ON Renovables (210 MW) and Actium, Ascan and Apia XXI (87 MW).

In total, the maximum generation capacity granted amounts to 1,336 megawatts.

With this project, it is expected to generate more than 4,200 jobs in Cantabria, between direct and indirect. (EUROPA PRESS)

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