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UBV COP 16 – The Voices of the Peoples: Mobilizations in Cancun

Article submitted by Teresa

To ensure that people's voices and demands are heard during the UN climate negotiations taking place in Cancun, Friends of the Earth International is participating in several popular mobilizations.

Domingo Lechón of Friends of the Earth Mexico, one of the groups organizing the mobilizations, said: "It is important that the parties that dedicate each day to official negotiations also listen to the people in the street who suffer daily the effects of climate change. We want to counter the negative proposals and the imbalance in power relations due to the power that companies wield in negotiations. That's why we organized for thousands of people to arrive in Cancun, and we're going to make sure their voices are heard.

In Cancun, Friends of the Earth International works with strategic allies and organizations with a similar vision. This week, Friends of the Earth members from around the world participated in discussions during the South-South Summit on Climate Justice and Climate Finance, hosted by Jubilee South, the Pan-African Alliance for Climate Justice (PACJA) and Friends of the Earth latin american and Caribbean groups, which ends on 5 December.

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Since Friday, caravans from all over the world began arriving in Cancun with thousands of people who will participate in the mobilizations and will stay in the Peasant and Indigenous camp in Cancun, organized by La Via Campesina and Friends of the Earth International.

There are several activities planned in Cancun for the coming days, in which Friends of the Earth International will participate:

- The World Forum for Life and Environmental Justice, organized by La Via Campesina, the National Assembly of Environmental Affected, the National Liberation Movement, the Mexican Union of Electricians and will have the support of Friends of the Earth International, from December 5 to 10. Opening ceremony: Saturday, December 4, 9 am.

- March for Life and Climate Justice of La Via Campesina, on Sunday, December 5 at 10am, from the La Via Campesina Camp to the Plaza de la Reforma (Tulum Avenue), downtown Cancun. Friends of the Earth International joins this march of indigenous peoples and communities affected by climate change that will show the people of Cancun why they are here and what they will do in the coming days.

- International Forum for Climate Justice "Climate Dialogue, organized by the Climate Dialogue" Mexican Space, from December 5 to 10. Opening ceremony: Sunday, December 5, 9 am.

- Miles from Cancun, a joint mobilization called by La Via Campesina, the World March of Women and Friends of the Earth International, which will take place in the streets of Cancun on Tuesday, December 7, and in countries around the world. The aim of this call is to give more visibility to the climate justice movement by organizing thousands of protests and actions to reject false solutions.

- Global Day of Action against the World Bank, Wednesday, December 8.

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Friends of the Earth International supports the inclusion in the climate negotiation texts of the proposals presented by Bolivia as a result of the Cochabamba Agreement. Demands to reject carbon trading and in support of EU rights (climate justice courts and referendums) must be supported by all parties as a legitimate and progressive development in the UN negotiations.

Related Posts:
  1. Planeta CNN takes you to COP 16 in Cancun
  2. UBV COP16 – Intensify efforts for a global shift to energy-efficient lighting
  3. UBV COP16 – New Friends of the Earth Report: Carbon Markets for Climate Finance
  4. UBV COP16 – Preliminary Achievements in Cancun
  5. Calendar of Events of the COP 16 In Cancun

Authors: Val

See Original.

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