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Pamplona hosts a technical meeting between regions to promote the development of renewable energies



Navarra has been the scene of the second technical meeting of the European Network of Renewable Energy Regions RENREN (Renewable ENergy REgions Network), which aims to establish a framework for the exchange of experiences in regional policies to promote the development of renewable energies.

The results of the project will be made available to the partners and the general public on the website, as reported by the Government of Navarra in a note.

The Regional Department of Innovation, Business and Employment is one of the three Spanish representatives in this project together with the Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León and the Andalusian Energy Agency. The programme aims to accelerate the development of clean energy generation by working closely with regional governments across Europe.

RENREN began its journey in April in Kiel (Germany) with the celebration of the first workshop, and now it has been up to Navarra to organize the second workshop. The days of the workshop have been inaugurated by the general director of Business of the Navarrese Executive, Begoña Urien.

- Publicidad -

The workshop held in Pamplona was attended by representatives of the 12 partner countries, and focused on the permits and compliances that renewable energy development projects must obtain.

Specifically, the following topics have been addressed: how to streamline the administrative procedures to grant installation permits; assessment of compliance with environmental regulations; resolution of conflicts between the agents involved (land owners, environmental authorities, developers); or more streamlined specific procedures for small installations.

This initiative is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Interreg-IVC Programme and currently has 14 partners from countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Poland, United Kingdom, Romania and Sweden. The total budget of the project amounts to 2.16 million euros, of which the European Union contributes 1.65 million.

Navarre is considered, within the RENREN project, a leading region in terms of solar and wind energy, while in terms of other energies such as geothermal and biomass it appears as a learning region. Navarre's participation in the project seeks to improve its position in these two fields.


Before the holding of this second workshop, representatives from all participating regions visited the facilities of four leading companies in the sector: Acciona, CENER, Fotona and Gamesa.

The visit to Acciona's headquarters has allowed us to see the Renewable Energy Control Center (CECOER), from where the operation of the facilities that the company owns both in Spain and in the rest of the world is supervised.

For its part, the National Center for Renewable Energies, CENER, has offered a visit to the solar energy laboratories, where tests are carried out to certify compliance with the regulations on solar panels, for example, as well as the biomass laboratory, where crops are experimented for use as biofuels.

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In the photovoltaic park of La Pedrera, in Olite, the maintenance staff of Fotona, a member company of the recently created Solar Cluster Association of Navarra, explained to visitors the technical aspects related to the installation.

As for the wind turbine blade factory that Gamesa owns in Aoiz, renren partners have been able to observe the manufacturing process of blades of 62 meters in length, executed in two assembly sections of 31 meters, which are used in wind turbines of 4.5 MW. (EUROPA PRESS)

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