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The PSdeG predicts a "low profitability" of the wind tender

Fuente: EP/PSDEG

Source: EP/PSDEG

The secretary xeral of the PSdeG, Manuel 'Pachi' Vázquez, has predicted this Friday that the "decrease" in energy consumption will cause the wind contest to have "a spectacularly lower profitability" than expected two years ago, when it was initiated by the previous bipartite Government.

He has even predicted that "a very significant number" of the companies that attend "will not find even financing" to develop their plans. "It is a pure market, "he concluded, after referring to the fact that similar situations are occurring in "other areas" of renewable energies

Asked about this issue at a press conference, the socialist leader stressed that the wind contest was "key" to the development of Galicia "three years ago" and has abounded in that the "competitiveness" of renewables has fallen "a lot" since then, given the decrease in energy consumption and the "overload" of renewables that makes "the system can not" with them.

In the same vein, he pointed out that the current process has "very little credibility", since "nobody believes that a company will now create 8,000 jobs with 300 megawatts".

- Publicidad -

"In the same way that three years ago it was very important, now the fall in energy consumption and the overload of renewables makes it very difficult to make the projects profitable," he insisted, to warn that "nobody expects manna", because the energy situation is "very complicated and hard". "These are times to consolidate and tie up the sector," he recommended.


In any case, pending the results of the contest, the head of the ranks of the PSdeG has made it clear that his group will analyze them, even convinced that "the most important thing will be the press headlines", given that the process accumulates "a delay of more than 20 months and a multitude of resources in the Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia".

"We will be vigilant so that it is given to those who leave dividends in the country and to the complementary plans," he concluded, after indicating that the company with a minor proposal "speaks of 2,000 jobs, as always, but that at the moment of truth do not appear anywhere." (EUROPA PRESS)

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