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Living Blue Workshop: The ABC OF THE Environment

All human beings, without exception, are responsible for the situation in which the Earth currently finds itself. In the same way, in each of us are the solutions, so we must carry out the relevant actions, which however small they may seem, will be added to those of millions of other people with whom we share the common goal of maintaining the natural balance of the planet.

Using practical and simple information, and reinforcing it with group dynamics, in the Living Blue Workshop: The ABC of the Environment will help you to see in a clearer and more tangible way, the close relationship that exists between all living and non-living beings that inhabit the Earth, and will teach you what are those actions that must be carried out, all in an interesting, productive and fun weekend.

The objective is that at the end of the workshop you are very well aware of what is really happening with our environment, and that you have tangible tools to be part of the solution.

Workshop content:

- Publicidad -

Module 1. The natural functioning of the Earth and its relationship with all the beings that inhabit it.
Module 2. Relationship of human beings and Nature.
Module 3. Solutions and actions.

In the workshop:

• You will learn how to use your resources more efficiently.
• You will generate savings in your economy.
• You will improve your life and consumption habits.
• You will meet other people with common interests, in a fun and profitable weekend.

Tel. 3871 5500 (in the Federal District)
Opening hours: Monday to Friday / 9:00 to 18:00 hrs
E-mail: [email protected]

Azul Viviente does not have a registration and payment module in the "El Batán" Park.

Date: Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 November 2010. From 9:00 to 14:00 hrs.
Duration: 10 hours (5 hours per day)
Park "El Batán" Classroom # 6 Av. San Jerónimo 477 Col. Tizapán San Angel Mexico, D.F (Has parking)

Cost $790 pesos per participant (for the two days)
Promotions: $690 pesos per participant, until November 17.
Discount for groups.

- Publicidad -

Instruction, note-taking material, light refreshments, reconnaissance and access to the park (until 5pm).

Age 12 and older


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Authors: Val

See Original.

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