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The Importance of Planting a Tree

Planting a tree has been a suggestion to improve the land, possibly even before the protest and alert of global warming, the water crisis, etc. It was always one of those quaint ideas to mark a special occasion, or just make the panorama a little prettier. Today, with the new approach clearly pointing to the desperate need of fighting the continued destruction of our natural resources, it is more common to hear that to help you have to plant a tree. It seems like a simple and low-level task. But the truth is, every tree makes a difference.

One of the great functions that each tree offers, in addition to its aesthetics, is the capture of CO2, carbon dioxide. Heat is trapped in Earth's atmosphere because high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-retaining gases that ultimately prevent heat from being released into space. This is what has caused the "Greenhouse Effect" phenomenon.

Trees naturally remove CO2 from the atmosphere during the photosynthesis state and use CO2 to form carbohydrates used in plant structure, and in turn release oxygen (O2) as a byproduct. Trees are considered to act as what some call a carbon sink, storing gas in their branches, trunk, leaves, etc., rather than letting the gas float free and fill the atmosphere with more pollutants. In this natural function alone, trees directly reduce greenhouse growth and counteract global warming.

In addition, the trees provide shade in summer and act as windbreaks in the cold seasons. This inadvertently reduces the greenhouse effect by eliminating, or at least minimizing, the need for air conditioners and heaters, respectively, reducing the amount of fossil fuels burned as energy.

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Studies show that a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year and produce enough oxygen to support two humans. Figuratively speaking, a single human being produces approximately 2.3 tons of CO2 per year. Since a healthy tree tends to absorb about 13 pounds per year, it would take about half a hectare of trees to fully counteract the effects of just one human. An acre of trees covers the CO2 emission of approximately 26,000 miles traveled by a vehicle. Clearly there are not enough hectares available in the world, however in the ideal life, if each family planted a single tree, it would positively affect the world's efforts to reduce 5% of the CO2 released into the atmosphere each year. In a perfect world, of course.

Trees are also brilliant cleaners. They remove other contaminants through the stomata on the leaf surface. This is particularly good in urban areas, so trees should be abundant in city parks. This is an overall air quality enhancer, and a much-needed one. Trees also reduce stormwater runoff after heavy rains and help control erosion. They provide a natural habitat for many small creatures, and reduce the temperature, providing shade. In short, a tree is not just a beautiful creature standing in the world.
It is a powerful and vital tool that directly ensures our survival. We, as an entire race, would literally not be alive if it weren't for these oxygen pumping machines.

Planting trees really, in all fairness, saves lives. Every tree makes a difference. This means that every person who plants a tree also makes a difference. It's easier than you think your part in the effort to take care of the environment.

plantar un arbol


Related Posts:
  1. Arbor Day
  2. Plant a tree, save CO2
  3. Voice of the Reader – The Importance Of Trees
  4. The importance of trees
  5. Tips for planting a tree

Authors: Val

See Original.

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