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Companies as change managers

Those who know me know that I am a frustrated environmentalist and a romantic of ecological causes. Beyond believing that we can save the planet with individual efforts, what I truly believe is that every human being owes a little social responsibility to the planet. Thus, if we can help reduce pollution, even from the very kitchen of our mendiante houses the separation of recicable waste from perishables, all are valid initiatives.

I believe that in our market every company should bet a little on social responsibility, even more so when the HVAC/R chain continues to be a huge focus of environmental controversies and debates. These are not millionaire efforts, but rather practices, even joint ones, to raise awareness of what is happening now on the planet in terms of global warming.

Ask yourself how much your company has invested in the last two years in activities aimed at informing and educating technicians and/or professionals related to the recycling and recovery of refrigerants or the assembly and repair of air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Did you support third-party educational initiatives? Did you team up with your competitors to train a group of technicians? Have you even found out about the latest technology ecological equipment to see if there is any possibility of distributing them in your country?

It is always valid to ask how you can make a difference. There are many ways to do this. If in the United States, the most polluting country in the world, they have the luxury of launching initiatives such as Save Energy Now, a program launched by the Department of Energy at the end of February, which is a paradox, because they have not wanted to fully adhere to the Kyoto and Montreal protocols, we in Latin America can also create some initiative aimed at developing our industry.

- Publicidad -

There I leave this reflection, although no matter how many individual efforts we make, I do not believe, the truth, that things will change as long as the developed countries do not reach concrete agreements on this issue. However, we can be calmer knowing that, although it has been unsuccessful, we fulfill the planet.

Julian Arcila

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