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They develop an application that allows you to control the climate control from the iphone or ipad

Diocca, a company specialized in integral solutions of home automation, video and audio, has created a system of technological integration of lighting and air conditioning. The system comprises a touch screen from which it is possible to control all areas of light and climate of the different rooms of a house or company. It is also possible to consult this system through both the iPod and the iPad.

The system developed by Diocca integrates the necessary technology to arrange both lighting and air conditioning under control through a wireless touch panel. Thus, from this panel you can change the light intensity of all the luminaires in the rooms or change the air conditioning conditions. In the same way, the system allows you to store all kinds of audiovisual content in order to control them from the same screen. In this way, it is possible to select the music you want to listen to at any time, choose the volume and program the movies to be able to view them at a certain time.

Likewise, the system is aimed at guaranteeing energy savings, so it has luminosity and temperature sensors that are regulated according to the outside light and the time of day and depending on the evolution of the external temperature setting an interior temperature reference that guarantees the maximum performance of the machine.

Finally, the possibility of being able to consult or modify the status of all areas of air conditioning, lighting, as well as audiovisual content, from the outside through an iPhone, iPad or any PC with an Internet connection has been integrated into the system. Thus, at any time of the day and from anywhere it is possible to program or modify lighting, weather, etc.

- Publicidad -

At the moment, Diocca has carried out projects of this integration system in high standing offices, homes and second homes.

Authors: Air Conditioning

See original.

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