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Private enterprise is a hotbed of knowledge

Training is critical for sales staff and other industry members for the proper marketing of products.  Here we will delve into the importance of a well-trained staff to add value and win new markets.

By: Honeywell

Companies in the CVAR sector, especially multinationals, believe that knowledge is the possibility of gaining market; for this reason, they have created real universities within the industries to train both suppliers and their own sales force.

Several companies have laboratories within their facilities to carry out theoretical-practical workshops.  Likewise, they offer e-learning programs that allow them, without displacement, to deliver state-of-the-art information. Both modalities point out that "a person commercializes what he knows best", so he must remain informed.

On the other hand, there are companies that without having the infrastructure for training are clear that this is the basis of marketing and market participation.  Therefore, they make agreements with national and international institutions to achieve these objectives.  This is the case of Danfoss, which has developed training programs with ACAIRE, SENA and several universities in different areas of CVACR. "We as manufacturers know the technological trend of our CVACR applications, but sometimes at the academic level the progress does not go at the same pace.  We have the co-responsibility to help keep our professionals up to date," says César Anzalone, sales channel coordinator, Danfoss Colombia S.A.

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Gustavo Olano, marketing manager for Latin America at Honeywell, comments that "the market has an internal rotation, new products and new technologies are generated, so it is constantly requiring training and training.  Honeywell, as a manufacturer, is producing technology and applications and its commitment is not only to offer the product, but to be able to give training and training to the channel and the market."

Likewise, Fernando Bendek, technical director of training at Fiberglass, comments that the importance of the training lies in "ensuring that the works with air conditioning meet the appropriate specifications, at least in the part of the product (the Fiberglass ducts) and the installation".

Honeywell University
Gustavo Olano, from Honeywell, explains the company's experience in the field of training: "For many years the company saw the need, within its commercial and marketing policy, to develop product training in different countries according to their requirements.  Two years ago Honeywell University was created where customers can attend and develop different training modules.

This is a type of hands-on training where people can program, install, and use the products.  Additionally, there are modules that are available on the website for industry personnel to study.

Trainings are also being held every Tuesday and virtual Thursday on the different product alternatives.  It is a module that lasts between an hour and an hour and a half, in which the products are presented by a specialist and the forum is opened for the questions of the participants.

In Latin America, a training program was established on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. and Fridays at 8 a.m. (central time) where specialists make product presentations using the same tools and presentations in Spanish adapted to the needs of Latin America.  These modules are now available on the Honeywell customer page so that people do not have to stick to training schedules, but can develop them on demand or in their own needs.  Today there are 12 modules available.

The primary objectives of training are:

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1.To be able to contribute to the market through knowledge.
2.Reach more people with the right tools to know not only our products, but the applications in general.
3.That the internal strength of Honeywell has the knowledge to transmit it and give adequate support to the product.  Training brings with it more sales. A person markets what he knows best.
4.Generate the appropriate technical support in each of the channels and atomize the knowledge so that it is the distributor who transmits it to the client, without honeywell being directly the one that does the support.

The Fiberglass Experience
Engineer Bendek presents the Fiberglass training program: The company has practical workshops for training in the layout, cutting and assembly of fiberglass sheets to develop ducts for air conditioning and ventilation transport and practical e-guides for cutting and assembling ducts through the Internet.

These workshops and guides are aimed at our distributors, installers and end customers and have as objectives:

In the workshops:

  • Identify and use the tools used in the cutting and assembly of ducts.
  • Follow the standard procedure for the elaboration of straight sections and the main sections such as: elbows, deviations, reductions and others necessary to obtain a pipeline that transports the air safely and efficiently.
  • Identify and know how to use the calculation tool: Fiberglass ductulator.
In the E guides:
  • Know step by step the basic points that must be taken into account in the process of cutting and assembling Fiberglass ducts.
  • Offer a free and open access site, through the Internet, for people in the industry to consult and train.
Concern for the environment
The manufacturing and marketing companies have within their themes of action the development of environmental policies that establish the mandatory compliance with standards of energy saving and improvement of the environment.

Likewise, training on these topics is included and documents are produced to be transmitted within the organization and in external training programs.

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