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He does what he likes and lives on it

In Vicente Melgoza Serrato there is still much left of the 18-year-old, who with his brothers-in-law, founded the company PERYLSA (Parts, Equipment for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Washing Machines, S.A. de C.V.), one of the most important companies in the area of Mexico.

By: Ana Milena Alarcón

Vicente Melgoza Serrato is the fifth child of a family originally from Michoacán. He learned from a young age to be an entrepreneur, his life is full of fulfilled objectives and desires to continue working, he is an example of how respect for his work team and the projection of goals, achieve the positioning of a brand.

His career in the industry began at age 16 in a refrigeration store called Spare Parts and Refrigerant Gases as a counter assistant, since then his life has revolved around customer service, as well as sales of equipment and parts.

From his beginnings with PERYLSA, in 1973, he remembers with joy how due to his young age he had to strive to gain the credibility of his customers and suppliers, who did not see a young entrepreneur but a child. "I really enjoyed those times where I attended at the counter and had to leave the customer satisfied, as we were very young, at first it seemed strange to the clientele and the suppliers themselves to believe in us, but little by little we were gaining their trust" says Melgoza Serrato.

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Another of the anecdotes of his beginnings were the race he made to get the product that his customers needed and he did not have it in the winery: "I ran with all my strength about three blocks until I reached my competitors to supply me. I think that detail of not allowing the client to leave empty-handed strengthened our image," he explains.

Today Vicente Melgoza Serrato is the General Director of ARAYLSA (Accesorios, Refrigeración, Aire Acondicionado y Lavadoras, S.A. de C.V.) and its branches. Founded on March 25, 1987, it is one of the subsidiaries of the PERYLSA Group; He is also the father of five children and grandfather of six grandchildren, his family has been a pillar of his life, especially his wife, as he recognizes when he says that "they are my pride, to them I have tried to instill honesty and constant improvement. To my children and my co-workers, many of them young, I say that it is blessed that the one who has found to do what he likes is happy and is paid for it."

He feels vital, full of concerns and ideas and with many goals to achieve with his work team, every day he seeks to improve, learn, doing his work with care and dedication, corresponding to the trust of those who have believed him and have given him support.

His children are his support in the company: one daughter is in charge of the administration, another of managing the human capital and the others support the areas of accounting and sales, while he still takes care of the commercial office.

Its work team is its most important heritage, it strives to always receive training and confidence, in this way they achieve the primary objective that is to satisfy customers by meeting their needs.

Thus they have managed to establish themselves as a solid company that has captured the attention of customers not only in Mexican territory, but also in several Central American countries.

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The Family Man

When he talks about his wife, his face lights up, she is his greatest support and his companion in adventures, he never tires of repeating the importance that his family has had in his triumphs.

Vicente is a sporty man, he practices tennis and ensures that he does sit-ups, push-ups and push-ups every day; after so much activity he loves to spend some time relaxing in the sauna or jacuzzi listening to tangos by Gardel, rock by Elvis and the music of the Beatles.

He is passionate about travel and loves to know new places and gain experience. "I never cease to be amazed at how wonderful our country is and with the myriad of places that have something to offer. I love nature, walking in the forest, breathing fresh air and living with family," he says.

How to deal with the crisis?

Undoubtedly, the economic crisis in the world has touched all productive sectors and when consulting the entrepreneur about this issue he was very optimistic.

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"Today the panorama is difficult, we live a global and national crisis politically and economically that affects us, but with attitude, enthusiasm and taking into account the new demands of the market and knowing how to satisfy them, we can move forward. Crises are difficult but knowing how to face them carefully, but without fear they can become strengths."

Vicente Melgoza affirms that there has been a growth of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector in Mexico, due to the development of new projects such as residential and office complexes, tourist developments, shopping center surveys and climatic variations, which has generated multiple business opportunities.

"The primary plan of the PERYLSA Group is to reach all those customers with needs in refrigeration, air conditioning and air conditioning and satisfy them with products and specialized and certified technical advice."

Another strategy has been the creation of ANDIRA A.C, the National Association of Distributors in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry, with which they have managed to strengthen the sector by creating an effective alliance with an ANFIR (National Association of Manufacturers for the Refrigeration Industry) to work for common objectives.

Vicente Melgoza Serrato is an example for the new generations of entrepreneurs, a man with an inner strength that has allowed him to go far, a man who has known how to give his family the place it deserves and his clients and collaborators the respect they deserve, which is the key to his success as a business owner and as a human being.


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