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Professional and personal guidance

Achievements in professional life do not appear by magic, they are built day by day, with effort and dedication and above all with love for what is done.

By AC/R Latin America

44 years ago, on March 24, 1964, Oscar Ernesto Emiliani Valencia, a business administrator who has dedicated much of his life to the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, was born in Panama City.

His primary and secondary studies were carried out at La Salle School and he obtained a Degree in Business Administration from the Santa María La Antigua University in Panama City. Additionally, he has carried out complementary studies such as Senior Management seminars at INCAE in Alajuela, Costa Rica, as well as seminars and courses taught by many of the manufacturers in the United States and Mexico.

Oscar's business legacy comes from his father, Moisés Emiliani Villamil, for whom our professional feels great pride and admiration. Moisés and his wife, based on the extensive technical and commercial experience in refrigeration and air conditioning that the father possessed, created the first company of the Friolin Group, known as Friolin, S.A. years later, the company acquires the exclusive representation of several leading brands in the international market of these industries thanks to the help of Oscar's brother, also called Moses.

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But this venture not only touched the parents and Moses, Oscar also began working in the company at a very young age. "When I left school I would go to the warehouse to help my father in the business.  From there I began to get involved in the company doing a little bit of everything, from delivery of merchandise to customers, accounting work, invoicing, sales among others. "
At that time the company was very small and as it was just beginning to take its first steps it had four workers.  "Twelve years after opening our first company we inaugurated Friolin Segundo, S.A. company that marks the beginning of my career in the field of refrigeration" explains Emiliani.

Teamwork and family unity are aspects that have characterized the founders of the Friolin Group, who have bet everything on the growth of the company, so much so that Oscar managed to obtain for Friolin Segundo S. A, thanks to its knowledge in the field and through its contacts at an international level, the exclusive representation of the Copeland line of compressors and condensing units, and brands such as Bohn and Nacobre, among others.

Time of crisis

In the late 80s and early 90s, panama's economic situation was immersed in a political crisis, which led to a national destabilization in all its aspects, both in the public and private sectors, but with the faith and confidence of the Group's clients, as well as its companies, they manage to overcome these years of crisis with tenacity and innovation.  After that, the situation in the country improves, and the Group's companies manage to occupy 65 percent of the market in refrigeration and air conditioning, a position they continue to maintain today.

"At present the administration and management of the companies of the group is divided between my brother and me.  We have 7 stores in the capital city these are Friolin, S.A. Friolin Segundo, S.A, Friomax, S.A, Friomaster, S.A, Cool Mart, S.A (dedicated only to the sale of air conditioning) and Electrocentro, S.A, this being the latest acquisition of our group, "explains Oscar. The latter is dedicated to the sale of all types of electrical materials, thus being a complement to the main line of business: refrigeration. "We also have a refrigerant gas distributor Gaseco, S.A. and two branches in the interior of the country, Frio Veraguas, S.A. and Frio Barú, S.A., which distribute our products in the most important provinces," he emphasizes.

In 2002 Emerson named one of the Group's companies as a distributor Copeland Prime Source, the highest recognition that this renowned manufacturer makes to its distributors in each country, in this case it was Friolin Segundo, S.A. in Panama.
Four years ago we launched our own brand "FLOUU" of residential and commercial air conditioning that ranges from window units, splits and high efficiency central units.  This brand has been very successful in our market as our customers rely on the technical support of the Friolin Group.

As for technology, these companies offer annual seminars on various topics such as compressors, filter dryers, expansion valves, among others. These seminars are aimed at more than 300 technicians and are carried out with the support of the Friolin Group and manufacturers such as Copeland, Bohn and Genetron, among others, which help keep both independent and company technicians updated on the latest trends and standards of refrigeration and air conditioning.

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Family and work administration

"As a manager, I value the human resource that works with me, together we have achieved the development and growth of our companies. For us our collaborators are of the utmost importance, since a company is not only composed of inventory and sales; if you do not have a human team committed to the company, you do not get good results," says Emiliani.

Today Grupo Friolin has more than 130 employees and is one of the leading companies in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning in Panama. The nine warehouses have refrigeration and air conditioning lines for residences, shops and everything that refers to temperature regulation.

However, and although his work is a very important pillar in his life, not everything is work for Oscar Emiliani, "I am a family man, married to Alina and we have two children, Ximena of nine years and Oscar Alberto of seven, to whom we try to provide a good education and the best values.  I enjoy fishing, cycling; recently I am taking golf lessons with my son, a sport we enjoyed together," says Oscar.

Emiliano also belonged to the Club Acitvo 20-30 of Panama for more than 15 years and was president of the Telethon of the year 2003, the most important activity of this club, which takes place year after year to raise funds in favor of the most needy children of Panama.

Currently, Oscar and the Friolin Group have an important positioning and recognition in the CVAC/R industry, which has been driven not only by their commitment to be leaders in the sector, but also because Panama is currently going through a great economic boom, the expansion of the canal, in addition to the activation of the construction of buildings, shopping centers, hotels, as well as a large increase in tourism. "These factors have made our country seen from abroad as one of the best places to live and invest, which has led our group of companies to prepare day by day to meet all the needs that this economic growth entails," says Emiliani.

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