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Green Automation

For the fourth version of Building Tech Americas, the forum moved to Mexico, ensuring the best results and a much broader conversation about the industry than in past versions.

by: Diana Agudelo

Expansion and expansion of topics

With the International Forum, Buildingtech Americas 2007, which covers all the topics of the most important technologies for the design and management of integrated buildings with emphasis on automation, HVAC, electronic security, lighting, energy control and home automation, AC/R LATINOAMÉRICA magazine once again manages to be in the right place to take the pulse of this industry.

Industry topics

The integration of the most modern architectural practices with technologies that add comfort and quality of life to the users of a space, converge in the knowledge and in the global interest recently awakened and that translates into the need for respect for the environment.

Lectures were given focused on two fundamental segments: designers and builders, and a second room for building managers. It is noteworthy that in this sample the academic program was in the hands of internationally renowned companies, as well as a large group of qualified Mexican professionals.

"In my case I participated as a speaker and I liked the experience of being able to address as ASHRAE before the engineers who work in modern buildings. Personally I think the event was well organized and I get a good impression of it," says Gildardo Yánez of ASHRAE.

"I found the forum very interesting. Very focused on technical or practical topics that interest the automation industry. I feel that the attendees were professionals who were really looking to update themselves on the topics of interest," says Elsa Yañez, of Alerton Dealer Manager, a company part of Novar that has nine years in Mexico and more than 30 in the United States.

For his part, Jorge Hagg de Scheneider, shares the opinion previously expressed by stating that "since I met the fair that was held in Miami Beach, it seemed to me a forum in which my company should participate. By having him in Mexico, I was able to meet that goal. There were not many new contacts because people already known in the middle attended, but it was important to put a stand to gain presence and solid image in the Mexican market. "

Buildingtech wins every year, more as a meeting place, where the main topics of the industry are discussed, and thanks to the academic days the understanding reaches all those who attend it, this being the main letter of introduction and the best way to be updated.

"I find it interesting to have attended Buildingtech, especially to have had the opportunity to know what they are doing in other countries in the field of building automation and the criteria for the use of technologies that improve the use of resources," says Francisco Segovia de Altesa S.A., a company with 15 years in the Salvadoran and Central American market dedicated to the integration of electronic security and automation systems.

In Latin America it is automated

The economy is expanding and the sales and expansion prospects that first pass through Mexico (as one of the largest economies and of course host of the forum) to Chile, also include economies that could be classified as small, such as Nicaragua and Honduras, and other places such as Peru.

Globalization, without a doubt, is helping to promote the culture of automation, as well as the high energy costs in some countries.

As always, the seriousness of the companies to be hired must be taken into account. "With the rise of Chinese products, we find more and more actors that come to compete with products five times cheaper, which apparently do the same, but there is no guarantee beyond one year and in some cases, just when the guarantee expires, the product dies," says Elsa Yañez.

The solution then comes like this: build the right relationships with clients to become consultants and help them make the best decision to meet their needs.

Growing market

Due to different circumstances, Central America and some other countries of South America are in an environment of frank growth, in which investment in electronic security systems becomes increasingly necessary and perhaps even mandatory, considering the new rules that the various trade agreements with the United States have brought, this added with the construction of office buildings and condominiums of increasing proportions, is opening up many possibilities for the automation market and integration with CVAC/R, lighting, security and communications systems.

Given this panorama, the attendees were able to verify through the conferences the general and above all, Mexican panorama, as Segovia de Altesa explains to us: "for me it was very satisfactory to attend this event, I think it is, in addition to important, necessary to listen to those who have already assimilated this type of technology and learn from their experiences and recommendations. Whatever knowledge they have, it serves those of us who are trying to enter this world as an initial step to understand the concepts more clearly."

With regard to automation it is clear that there is scope for everyone as long as the quality of both products and service is taken care of, since today there are world-renowned companies with several of their representatives.

In addition, among the main topics of the industry, it was discussed the importance that in companies, whether small, medium or large, it has become a necessity to invest in electronic security and that in the housing sector many services are being demanded in this same field, although of course, to a lesser extent than in the sector of industry and commerce.

Given this perspective, Hagg de Scheneider, did not hesitate to affirm that "our market is only at the level of Mexico and Central America and looks very promising at the automation level, but even more so at the security level. Integrating platforms and services into a single interface will go a long way in helping customers decide on their projects."

Elsa Yañez, concludes by pointing out that "the expectations of the attendees were exceeded, because this year, they had a more adequate level for this event, than those usually given in monthly breakfasts of the NFPA, the ASHRAE or the IMEI itself".

Knowledge and management of new models and knowledge in automation was therefore the great topic that covered this international forum, which increasingly becomes an opportunity to exchange ideas, to be able to debate the issues and to prepare for a future that is always advanced, but thanks to Buildingtech, it can be more easily grasped and foreseen.

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