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The Council of Consulting Engineers is born – Latin America and the Caribbean

Consejo Ingenieros ConsultoresLatin America. After two years of development, the Council of Consulting Engineers – Latin America and the Caribbean (CIC-LAC) is officially launched, an initiative whose main function is to unify the design management and advice of Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration (CVR) projects.

This initiative focused on the Latin American market will be a space that will bring together certified consultants with extensive experience, to advise in the best way the different projects, both new and existing, and thus generate a remarkable recognition within the projects in topics such as energy, environmental and engineering management of the first level.

"Consultants have not had a voice in the market in the region, manufacturers also do not have a guide of consultants in the region so that they can reach them more easily. We want recognition to be achieved at the regional level, for the market to understand that in this space there are those who know about engineering," Fabio Clavijo, President of CIC-LAC, told ACR Latin America.

CIC-LAC members will offer professional services in CVR engineering in the following topics:
- Consulting and Advice on building or industry projects in the feasibility, design, coordination and execution stage.
- Accompaniment and Advice in construction projects, renovation, change or expansion of buildings or industries.
- Coordination, Direction or Auditing of projects at any stage of project development.
- Realization of services of Diagnosis, Audit, Energy and Environmental Audit of projects.
- Provision of Project Management and Management services.
- Accompaniment and Advice in construction, renovation, change or expansion projects of buildings or industry associated with objectives of Energy, Environmental and Health optimization.

- Publicidad -

Those consultants who want to be part of this Council, must meet a series of requirements related to their trajectory and experience in the industry. "We maintain an up-to-date record of qualified CVR consultants who, due to their professional career, level of specialization and scope in various advanced engineering applications, are benchmarks of the engineering capacity offered in this field in our countries. This capacity includes the commitment of its members to maintain a high level of engineering supported by advanced technologies applied in all types of CVR projects and the endorsement of a seal of distinction in engineering quality towards the market", explained Fabio Clavijo.

Fabio added that "I hope that the Council can develop minimum lines of management in engineering of projects that are done in the region. I want us to be able to build and develop an integration of knowledge, that we can generate technical documents and other materials that allow us to keep our guild more up to date."

This is the list of founding members:

Carlos Grinberg - Grinberg Studio - Argentina
Manuel Guzmán - Termocom - Bolivia
Joaquín Reyes - Cintec SA - Chile
Ricardo Martínez - Mombrosa - Honduras
Rodolfo Zárate (Son and Father) - Conserca - El Salvador
Dario Ibargüengoitia - Ibalca - Mexico
Gabriel Garzón - GGD-Consultores - Panama
Jorge Nakamura Muroy - Proterm Peru - Peru
Gabriel Aldebot - Aldebot - Dominican Republic
Renan Novoa - Rnovoa - USA
Jorge Hernández - Regional Managers - USA
Fabio Clavijo - Tecnaire Colombia
Laura Fernández (Advisor) - Regional Managers - Colombia
Verónica Obradovich (Advisor) - Regional Managers - USA
Patricia Morales - Ingemel - Caribbean + USA
Eduardo Donoso - E. Donoso e Hijos - Ecuador
Dennis La Touche - Synergy - Costa Rica
Octavio Rocha - Estudio BR - Uruguay
Pablo Astigarraga - Vektor - Paraguay
Gustavo Ortiz - Guatemala

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Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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