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Hotel Chain Fails to Inspect Contaminated HVAC Units

Canada. Just two years after opening its doors, the Hyatt Place hotel in downtown Edmonton has failed an Alberta Health Services health inspection after inspectors discovered traces of pigeon feces.

Several items were flagged by inspectors, including nine rooftop HVAC units that were drawing fresh air from a semi-enclosed space that was heavily contaminated with pigeon feces.

According to the order, the building's heating and ventilation systems "did not appear to be in good working order." The fans in the laundry room did not turn on when commercial dryers were in use. The carbon monoxide detectors in the parkade did not appear to be calibrated and it could not be confirmed whether the exhaust system was turning on as required. And the fresh air supply and vents were very close to each other.

Inspectors noted evidence of water infiltration in multiple areas of the property, including extensive water stains on roof shingles, lamps, and on walls along lower hallways that are only accessible to staff; water stains on walls and floors in parkade storage rooms; and water stains and damaged wall material on the north public staircase between the second and third floors of the hotel. Inspectors also noticed a strong musty smell in the parking lot.

- Publicidad -

The hotel is ordered to hire a cleaning contractor and pest control company to clean the area where the HVAC units are located and remove any pests. Work on the HVAC units was due to begin on August 31.

After it was completed, contractors had to service and clean up the HVAC system by Sept. 4 and investigate the source of the water infiltration and remove or replace any contaminated materials by Sept. 30.

The owner, Prem Singhmar, said the points affected by the pigeons were not detected by the staff, who cleaned the area regularly. He said a special cleaning team had been brought in and would finish the job. A fence would also be installed to prevent bird access.

The hotel would easily comply with what AHS asked for, Singhmar added.

"There is no complaint," he said. "It's part of the business and the health department is doing its job and we appreciate that."

Hyatt Place opened in October 2016. It is the first location in Canada for the Hyatt Place brand.


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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