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Seminar on Legionellosis in Santiago de Chile

Chile. After the signing of the agreement between ASHRAE Chile and the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning A.G., one of the first work actions will be the realization of a seminar on "Legionellosis: Risk Management of Water Systems in buildings (ANSI/ASHRAE 188-2015)".

The seminar will be held on September 7 at the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (José Miguel Claro 1909, Providencia) between 08:30 and 13:30 hours.

On May 27, 2015, ASHRAE (American Society of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Engineers) approved a new standard called ANSI ASHRAE 188-2015 "Legionellosis: Risk Management of Building Water Systems." Standard 188-2015 establishes the minimum requirements for the design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of centralized water systems and their components.

Legionella is a health and safety issue for building operators and those who design and manage centralized water systems in buildings. It is related to two types of clinical diseases; Legionella, which causes pneumonia, and Pontiac fever, similar to influenza.

- Publicidad -

Legionella is a common aquatic bacterium that can be found in many drinking water systems and the public grid, and is responsible for more than 4,000 deaths annually in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

The mode of infection of this bacterium is only by inhalation, not by physical contact with the infected water source or by its ingestion, therefore air conditioning systems have the potential to support the growth of legionella, allowing it to reach high levels. 

The temperature, PH and both organic and inorganic conditions of these systems provide a perfect environment for the growth of the bacteria, and that is where the importance lies to know how to combat it and the need to train industry professionals. The seminar is intended for engineers, architects, installers, maintenance managers and health and safety inspectors.

The seminar will be taught by Armando Luis Chamarro, Master in Environmental Health and Safety and Environmental Sciences from New York University, LEED AP certified by the USGBC, an expert in sustainability, with extensive experience as an international consultant. He has evaluated more than 5,000 buildings in the United States and Latin America, served as an advisor in the area of sustainability to organizations such as BOMA, ASHRAE, Dade County Government Green Building Coalition, Columbia University and the International Facility Management Assoc (IFMA). His projects include the Guggenheim, NY Museum of Modern Art and the NY Stock Exchange. Since 1998 he directs CIH Environmental Solutions in Argentina, USA and the Caribbean.

Armando Chamorro, will also give a talk at Expo Hospitalaria on September 6, on the quality of the indoor environment: "How to achieve a good quality of the indoor environment in an oncology center" Application of the ASHRAE 170-2013 standard. 

More information: Contact: Mariela Garate [email protected] or [email protected].; Email Secretary Chamber: [email protected] 

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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