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4 Benefits of Preventive Air Conditioning Maintenance for the Commercial Sector

mantenimiento preventivo del aire acondicionado

Latin America. According to Trane it is essential for every business to take care of and take advantage of the operation of its air conditioning equipment, as they represent a considerable investment and provide quality of the interior environment, whether heating or air conditioning equipment.

According to the brand, it is estimated that businesses such as restaurants use five to seven times more energy per square meter than other types of commercial buildings. "Therefore, it is important to upgrade, adjust and maintain HVAC systems, and thereby reduce the use of electrical energy from air conditioning systems by 20 to 25 percent."

That is, having the maintenance of the equipment up to date can generate additional savings in the utility bill, in addition to adding to the useful life of the equipment and avoiding failures.

Trane says that while preventive maintenance may seem time-consuming, the reality is that the cost of emergency repairs is even higher.

- Publicidad -

That said, the importance and benefits of preventive maintenance on heating and air conditioning equipment seems obvious. However, this is often one of the first things to be postponed when one is focused on the daily activities involved in operating and running a business.

"It's not uncommon for managers of large, medium and small businesses to operate under a reactive maintenance model, but that philosophy can have a negative impact on business and pocketbook operations."

Carlos Garcia, CEO of Trane Mexico, commented. "It is always advisable to be proactive in the maintenance issue, especially when it comes to air conditioning equipment, when these are checked and adjusted regularly, it saves time, money, stress and, most importantly, your business will continue to operate in optimal conditions."

So, for Trane, there are 4 great benefits that preventive maintenance of air conditioning systems brings to businesses.

1. Extend its service life and avoid unexpected failures
Surveys indicate that regular maintenance can reduce failures in air conditioners by up to 95%. In addition, they will keep it clean and working correctly, which will increase its useful life. During maintenance, you can also discover if there are parts about to break down, and in this way change them or find solutions to prevent them from affecting other mechanisms of the unit.

2. Reduce overall energy consumption
An air conditioner in optimal condition uses less energy to operate. Simply cleaning or replacing filters can reduce the energy you use by up to 15%. If this maintenance is not performed, every unit is forced to work harder to operate efficiently, which increases energy costs and overall wear and tear on the equipment.

3. Reduce repair costs
When keeping an eye on the air conditioning system, you can timely identify common repairs and easily change parts before damage impacts other functions; and then a larger replacement of the equipment is required.

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4. Create more comfortable spaces for customers
Regular maintenance helps ensure that systems produce and distribute hot or cold air evenly and efficiently, providing optimal comfort for customers and visitors, offering them a pleasant experience that will keep them inside longer and motivate them to return.

It's easy to neglect HVAC systems when you're busy running a business, as compared to other components like flooring or lighting, heating and cooling equipment can feel "out of sight," until something goes wrong.

Finally, Carlos García concluded that "those in charge of buildings must be aware that reactive maintenance will always be more expensive at the end of the day. Therefore, it is important to take control over the destination of the operations of each business and schedule the maintenance of the equipment in a timely manner."

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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