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Daikin to invest $300 million in two new production plants

Nuevas dos plantas Daikin

Latin America. Daikin officially laid the first stone of the construction of two new production plants of minisplits and chillers, which will benefit the brand's offer for Latin America and North America, since apart from the offer of solutions will generate more than 2,500 new jobs.

The construction of this project, which will be located in San Luis Potosí (Mexico), officially began on January 25, the day on which the Japanese firm officially laid the first stone of the construction of both plants. Which are expected to cost $300 million.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by Margarita Alcántara, general director of Global Economic Impulse of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Itagaki Katsumi, Consul General of Japan in León and Ricardo Gallardo, Governor of San Luis Potosí.

Details of the event are Margarita Alcántara attended on behalf of Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, and was also attended by Satoru Akama, President and CEO of Goodman Manufacturing (brand of Daikin Industries), Enrique Galindo Ceballos, Mayor of San Luis Potosí, and Andrés Benavides, general director of Daikin Manufacturing Mexico.

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In addition to Juan Carlos Valladares Eichelmann, Secretary of Economic Development in San Luis Potosí, José Guadalupe Torres, Secretary General of Government, Nestor Eduardo Garza Álvarez, Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of the Government of San Luis Potosí. As well as Daikin executives from Japan, the United States and Mexico.

Satoru Akama, President and CEO of Goodman Manufacturing, said:
"Today, when the world is clear that the subsistence of humanity depends on using clean energy, reducing CO2 emissions and rationing water, our Daikin Campus will be a pride for companies and for San Luis Potosí in terms of environmental sustainability. Mexico was to be the destination for this historic investment by Daikin."

Ricardo Gallardo Carmona, Governor of San Luis Potosí, said:

"Today, thanks to the trust placed in us by the senior managers of Daikin, San Luis Potosí is consolidated as one of the best destinations for national and foreign investment. This foundation stone of the expansion of the Daikin company represents the good omen of growth and economic development for our state."

For his part, Enrique Galindo Ceballos, Mayor of San Luis Potosí, emphasized the 100 years of the Japanese community in San Luis Potosí, as well as the atmosphere of collaboration and participation in the three levels of government that favor investments in the state.

Margarita Alcántara, emphasized that this act of "first stone" endorses the position of Mexico as one of the main destinations for foreign investment in the manufacturing industry and gives the region a relevant strategic importance in terms of economic and social development, which will result in the generation of new jobs, growth of human capital, access to new technologies and the exchange of good practices in environmental sustainability and occupational well-being.

In her message, the official reiterated that the General Directorate of Global Economic Impulse of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognizes the important role played by Japan in the dynamism of the global economy, positioning itself as one of the reference countries in terms of technological innovation, infrastructure, manufacturing production, automotive industry, among many others.

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Other details of the project
The two new plants, one for minisplits and the other for chillers (in addition to the current facilities) will constitute the new "Daikin Campus". "This investment commits us to our employees to generate a work environment that lives the values of the company, with world-class facilities that attract and retain the best talent," said Andrés Benavides, CEO of Daikin Manufacturing Mexico.

11 hectareas plantas Daikin

With these buildings, which are part of Daikin's expansion strategy in response to the growing demand for products in Latin America and North America, the brand will grow almost 10 times the size of its facilities in San Luis Potosí, as they will have 332 thousand square meters.

Finally, an important detail is that the new plants will be located in an area of 11 hectares that include the establishment of an Innovation and Development (R+D) center that will develop air conditioning products that anticipate changes in the market of the Americas.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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