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Carrier Air Purifier Passed Coronavirus Tests

CarrierInternational. Tests conducted by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado found that the Carrier Infinity air purifier with Captures & Kills technology inactivates 99% of the coronavirus trapped in the filter.

Other third-party tests have concluded that this technology also inactivates 99% of the selected viruses and bacteria trapped in the filter, as a substitute for the common cold virus, Streptococcus pyogenes and human influenza.

The Infinity Air Purifier, a product that is part of the Healthy Homes suite of Carrier's Healthy Buildings Program indoor air quality solutions, works quietly as part of a home heating and cooling system, using a filter and electrical charges to inactivate various pathogens, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants in order to improve indoor air quality. "As people continue to spend more time at home, it's important to have technology that helps make indoor environments healthier and safer," said Justin Keppy, president, NA Residential & Light Commercial, Carrier. "By removing these pathogens, including coronavirus, from the air it filters, the Infinity air purifier gives families peace of mind that their loved ones have a cleaner, healthier home in which to live, learn, work and play."

The Infinity Air Purifier works with most HVAC systems produced by both Carrier and other manufacturers and treats air flowing through an HVAC system's air controller through a three-step charging/capture/removal process that inactivates 99% of selected viruses and bacteria:

- Publicidad -

• Step One: Charge: The purifier creates a "cloud" of electrically charged ions that attach to dust, pollen, viruses, germs, and other particles in the air as they pass.
• Step Two: Capture: Ionized particles are attracted to a pleated filter of opposite charge and captured at an extremely high speed.
• Step Three: Elimination: Airborne microbes remain in the pleated filter rather than recirculating into the home and are subject to an intense electric field.

The University of Colorado tests were conducted with a murine coronavirus that is closely related to the human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. The murine pathogen substitute allowed the tests to be completed safely.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

One thought on “Carrier Air Purifier Passed Coronavirus Tests”

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  1. Adriana rodrìguez
    Thursday, 11 August 2022 11:18
    Buenos días
    Me puede pasar información sobre purificador de aire carrier y cuanto cubre en una casa habitación o que capacidad son en una casa chica
    Y precio
    Se lo voy agradecer mucho

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