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Concept of biometric ventilators to reduce risks of infections due to the pandemic

Zielh AbeggInternational. Berlin Motorwerk (engine plant) presents an improved ventilation design: reducing the risk of aerosols by biomimetic fans

Executive Director Dr. Michael Gordon promises a reduced risk of coronavirus infection at events. His company runs Berlin's famous event venue "Motorwerk", where events such as Germany's Next Top Model and new car presentations from Porsche and Daimler have been held. "To massively reduce the risk of aerosol coronavirus infections, we can achieve a huge increase in air quality without any disruptive noise." This is thanks to a sophisticated ventilation concept that uses the know-how and products of fan manufacturer Ziehl-Abegg; it was in these same salons where this global company 'grew' more than 110 years ago and is the namesake of this event venue.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Motorwerk has mainly organized transmission events (for example, with the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil), but due to current conditions, the number of participants has always been very small. The first event was held in August 2020 with more than 200 guests. Normally, Motorwerk can organize meetings or events for more than 1000 people. "The focus is now on social distancing, hygiene standards and, in particular, air quality," explains Dr Gordon. "In the last event, 250 people spent several hours at Motorwerk. Although the fans were operating in the immediate vicinity of the guests, they could not be heard," Dr. Gordon said, praising the system.

"The latest generation of biomimetic fans is already up and running at Motorwerk," says Peter Fenkl, CEO of motor and fan manufacturer Ziehl-Abegg. Fenkl went on to explain that it had been a special challenge and, at the same time, an honor to be involved in the ventilation system in the corridors, which the company considers to be very steeped in its own history. The system now uses fans whose noise levels can be kept extremely low: "using nature-inspired designs, such as the owl in flight, we have improved the fans to achieve the optimal level in terms of acoustics," explains Fenkl.

- Publicidad -

Control via an app on a smartphone or tablet
CO2 sensors monitored air quality and regulated fans during the event. Ceiling fans provide air circulation. For the entire duration of the event, the level of CO2 in the indoor air was approximately maintained. 530 ppm. "That equates to almost the same as fresh air," says Dr Gordon, referring to a study by the BERLIN TU, which considers low CO2 values to be harmless (Berlin TU Risk Assessment: https://depositonce.tu- The entire system is programmed to self-regulate, but can also be operated manually. Control and supervision are carried out through an app on a smartphone, tablet or PC.

"The design and structural implementation were not easy," recalls Dr. Gordon. This is because the building is a listed historic site. The collaboration between the Monument Protection Authority, the Weißensee Engineering Consortium and Ziehl-Abegg allowed the development of a construction technology concept that does not change the interior or exterior view of the building and at the same time is very dynamic.

The air in the building was completely replaced twice an hour.

The ventilation system consists of the following components: eight Ziehl-Abegg axial fans (ZN063-ZIL. DG. V7P2), four HVLS ceiling fans (high volume and low speed), eight CO2 sensors and a standardized IP-based home control system from LOxone with Smartflix control software.

The volume of air in the room is approx. 16,500 cubic meters. Each of Ziehl-Abegg's integrated axial fans moves up to 6,000 cubic meters of air per hour. Three fans are used for suction and five for inlet air. This allows all the air content of the large building to be completely replaced up to twice an hour.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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