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Johnson Controls revealed details of its solutions for reopening buildings

Latin America. Johnson Controls unveiled some of the solutions it has developed for buildings that are beginning to reopen their operations and require optimal infrastructure in HVAC systems.

Johnson Controls says it can help building owners and operators identify strategies to increase outdoor air circulation, filtration options to provide better air quality, optimal temperature settings to decrease the flow of airborne pathogens, and the use of ultraviolet C (UV-C) lighting solutions to kill viral organisms.

"Keeping people safe and secure in buildings has always been at the heart of our mission for 135 years, and as we observe a fundamental transformation of how buildings operate, even the simplest of upgrades to complete building modifications will be important in reducing disease transmission," said Mike Ellis, executive vice president and chief digital and customer service officer, Johnson Controls. "The new normal means being prepared for the unexpected."

Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johnson Controls' annual energy efficiency indicator found the desire of owners and operators to maintain healthy buildings. Although the current economic environment has changed dramatically, as the economy recovers, owners and operators are expected to make more investments on behalf of the people who live and work in their buildings.

- Publicidad -

Johnson Controls has a range of products and solutions to create healthier air in buildings:

York Air Handling Units: To reduce pathogens in the air inside a building, mixed-air HVAC systems should focus on increasing outdoor air ventilation. York's air handling units allow customers to maximize outside air to displace polluted air and increase ventilation and air change rates.

Koch Filters: Effective air filters are intrinsic to a successful infection control plan. Koch's clean air solutions include high-efficiency air filters, HEPA filters, and portable HEPA solutions for greater building flexibility.

Critical environmental controls: Room pressurization, air change rates, humidity, and temperature are vital components to reducing airborne contaminants and preventing cross-contamination within health and laboratory facilities. Critical Environment Controls' Johnson Controls line includes the broadest suite of products in the industry.

UV-C lighting: Disinfectant lighting solutions are necessary to reduce pathogens both on surfaces and in the air. Johnson Controls offers a full suite of disinfectant lighting products, including upgrade options to keep facility interruptions and installation costs to a minimum.

By integrating HVAC, lighting and security systems into a single digital platform such as the Johnson Controls Metasys building automation system, building owners and operators can easily solve problems and implement system changes.

Learn more about the company's campaign against the reopening of buildings by clicking here.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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