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Revolving door benefits HVAC system

The American casino Seven Feathers installed a manual revolving door that prevents the filtration of gusts of wind and snow, a function that directly contributes to the energy efficiency of the air conditioning system. 

by Boon Edam

The challenge: to implement an access system for the Seven Feathers casino bar, which prevents the entry of external elements and saves space inside the premises.  

The solution: An 8-foot diameter BoonAssist TQ manual revolving door was installed at the entrance of the bar. 

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The benefits: The system prevents the entry of gusts of wind or snow and takes up little space. Minimal air filtration that allows to save  and significantly reduce the amounts of energy bills. 

The assisted rotation function allows guests, especially seniors, to move the door effortlessly. 

It is an aesthetically pleasing entrance that creates a luxurious look and feel. 

"Boon Edam's entry has been very helpful in helping us achieve what we wanted. The revolving door concept has been a success, it is aesthetically pleasing and harmonizes with the look and feel of our exclusive bar." Andrew McAuley, construction project manager.

Casinos seem to be ideal places to waste energy: isolated from the light and air outside, lights and machines on all the time, and the need to offer the best comfort to their users inside the enclosure.

However, this industry is not indifferent to the sustainable trends and efficient constructions that have been promoted in recent years. All energy demand can be optimized, making best practices and using the right technology. 

One of the biggest responsible for electricity consumption in casinos are HVAC systems (ventilation, heating and air conditioning, for its acronym in English), its function is to provide adequate ventilation and air conditioning in each area of the casino; maintaining the required values of temperature, humidity and air quality regardless of fluctuations in the outdoor environment.

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Now, one of the keys to energy savings in HVAC systems is to keep doors and windows closed. But how to do it in a place where the influx of public is constant? 

A successful example in the United States

Seven Feathers Casino Resort, one of the most exclusive resorts in the Pacific Northwest, installed an 8-foot-diameter BoonAssist TQ manual revolving door at the entrance of its bar to solve this challenge. 

"At first we contemplated the possibility of installing a sliding door, but we were worried that strong wind gusts and even snow would leak into space; then our architect came up with the idea of installing a revolving door to save maximum space and achieve the interior airtight to the external elements that was so important," explained Andrew McAuley, construction project manager at Seven Feathers Casino Resort.

This casino decided to change its poker room on the smoking floor and remodel the space. Given the climatic conditions of the area, it was essential that the door had certain characteristics that helped it to preserve the air conditioning of the enclosure. 

The objective is to maintain the comfort conditions with the minimum consumption of the HVAC system, for this it is essential to keep the windows and doors closed to avoid the escape of hot air and the entry of cold air or vice versa, because the device would have to replace the air that was heated or cooled. 

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"With the installation of the door, air is prevented from leaving or entering from the outside, and thanks to its assisted rotation function, customers do not have to push hard, a very important advantage for our older guests," added Andrew McAuley. 

The Revolving Door of Boon Edam is installed with half of the door outside the building and the other half inside the bar. Therefore, Seven Feathers not only has a more comfortable and usable space, but saved money by not having to install a huge canopy to protect the entrance, in case it had been built entirely outside the enclosure of the building.

Air conditioning and heating systems are responsible for between 45% and 50% of a casino's electricity consumption, which is why the complete evaluation of the systems and architecture of the site is justified to achieve significant savings. 

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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