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Identify ways energy is wasted

altGood management in the operation and maintenance of your building will allow you to achieve significant energy savings. some areas are key to achieving the objectives. by Lennox

In the operating budget of a commercial installation, energy consumption is usually the highest expense. Typically, consumption in CVAC and lighting constitutes between 40—60% of the total cost. As energy costs rise, facility managers and building owners continue to look for ways to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Monitoring and reducing energy costs on commercial properties can contribute to significant savings. And sometimes the solutions that can help your facility save thousands of dollars are the simplest to implement. Here are some areas where savings can start to be reflected. Temperature
Leaks of hot and cold air through windows, the roof or other areas of a building, where air can enter or exit, can be a major source of energy waste. Because it takes a lot of energy to condition that air, any air that leaks is money your building is losing. Hire a professional to look for cracks and leaks on the outside of the building and make the necessary repairs. An energy audit, conducted by a professional in your area, can help your company identify areas where energy leaks occur. Lighting
Whenever possible, take advantage of daylight, locating workstations near windows with very good lighting. Install output warnings with high-efficiency LED light: Even though they work 24 hours a day, overall maintenance costs are lower. Finally, if you haven't already, swap the incandescent lamps for compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Bulbs produce less heat, have a longer service life and reduce thermal load. Additionally, modernizing lighting systems may be a tax-deductible expense. Costs generated after hours of work
Evaluate the use made of the building in the hours after the workday. If you realize that the occupants of the building are not using it during the operating hours stipulated in the lease, for example, adjust the hours so that they reflect the actual use. Additionally, if possible, schedule the cleaning during occupancy hours, or otherwise, ask the janitors to work with the security team to tour the building and turn off the equipment that the tenants unsuspectingly left in operation. HVAC
Making sure your CVAC system is working properly and at peak efficiency can have a profound impact on your company's bottom line.
One reason is that at least 25% of all roof CVAC units are too large, resulting in higher energy costs and additional wear and tear on equipment. At the next preventive maintenance or during technical visits, have a professional check your equipment to verify that it is the right size and that it is working well. If not, it is time to contemplate investing in a new system. Equipment that is the right size can drastically reduce energy costs, increase its service life and reduce pollution. Also, ask your CVAC professional to check for air leaks in your ducts and ventilation system, another important area where energy loss can be easily prevented.

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