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Air conditioning 2011 shows good timing

altAccording to official data, the fair received this year the visit of 47,997 professionals, 2.34% more than in the previous edition. The increase in international visitors was also reported, with the influx of 4,343 professionals from 80 countries, a situation that speaks in an unbeatable way of the good moment that the industry is going through.

By Santiago Jaramillo H.

Climatización, during its 2011 edition in Madrid, Spain, managed to consolidate itself as one of the largest events in the air conditioning, heating, ventilation and refrigeration segments, and, at the same time, allowed to show the moment of recovery that this industry is experiencing in general.

Precisely in this last aspect, the fourteenth edition of this show delivered a positive balance of results. This was demonstrated by the important sectoral representation gathered around the fair, which was attended by 1,172 companies, and the growth of 2.34% of the professional influx, with 47,997 visits.

International visits in this edition also increased, with the attendance of 4,343 professionals from 80 countries, led by Portugal, which represented 46% of attendees from abroad, followed by Italy and France. Precisely the representation of the Portuguese industry in the show through the entry of APIRAC in the Organizing Committee of Air Conditioning, as revealed by the directives of the fair, has been one of the novelties of this edition and means a step forward in the consolidation of Air Conditioning in the international context.

- Publicidad -

The high note, likewise, could be perceived by registering an increase in the influx of Latin American public and also in a notorious perspective of optimism for what will be the rest of 2011 for this industry.

The predominant voice was that of satisfaction since during the event it was possible to perceive innumerable business opportunities for manufacturers and service providers with representatives of practically all segments.

As for the national chapter, as revealed by the organization of Climatización 2011, "we must highlight the significant geographical scope of the show, since 58.61% of Spanish visitors came from outside Madrid, with the presence of all the autonomous communities, among which Catalonia, Andalusia, Castilla y León and Valencia stand out".

Foroclima, another positive note
On the other hand, the conferences and activities framed in Foroclima, academic component of the fair, had an excellent reception. The topicality of the topics addressed, as well as the excellent level of the speakers, forced the full capacity poster to be hung in most of the sessions, and brought together more than 2,700 professionals, who showed their enormous satisfaction in the final evaluations of the program.

With great success of attendance, the first edition of the Workshop of Applied Air Conditioning Techniques (TAC Workshop) was also held, which exceeded all expectations, having more than 3,000 professionals.

Energy efficiency and respect for the environment
Technological progress, investment in R + D + I, the commitment of companies to energy efficiency and respect for the environment also marked the last edition of Climatización, both in its exhibition and informative aspect, through Foroclima and the Innovation Gallery, an exclusive space that brought together the most avant-garde proposals of 12 exhibiting companies.

Organized by IFEMA and promoted by AFEC, Association of Manufacturers of Air Conditioning Equipment, Climatización 2011 once again positioned itself as a benchmark in the sector, offering visitors and companies a complete offer of innovative products, equipment and solutions focused on promoting the development of the sector and promoting commercial exchanges.

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Precisely on this matter, José María Ortiz, representative of the Association of Manufacturers of Air Conditioning Equipment (AFEC), who assured that the results were overwhelming and the success could be perceived when listening to the good comments made by each of the attendees.

"Foroclima and the Innovation Gallery let's say they are the intellectual part of Climatización, where people could see the theoretical aspects of the different developments that the industry has so far. While Climatización is the space where people could see, touch and analyze these developments. That is, it was a perfect complement," said Ortiz, who also added that "In general the event could be settled with great success and this could be seen in the satisfaction of the many people who expressed their good comments after the event."

Overall satisfaction
In summary, the companies participating in Climatización 2011 rated the results of this edition positively. In this sense, the number of visitors, their qualification and professional profile, has been some of the most outstanding points by the exhibitors, who saw their expectations exceeded. "We have detected a greater influx and visitors have a more professional profile," they said from Danfoss.

The representative of Hitecsa said that "the professional profile of visitors has been more technical and professional than other years." In this same line they pronounced from Junkers: "We are satisfied with the attendance of visitors and we have seen most of the stands full".

In general, Climatización has met the expectations of its exhibitors and has managed to attract a significant number of national and international professionals. Thus, the vast majority of companies agree that the results obtained have been positive and very encouraging.

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