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Consumer study on the use of Artificial Intelligence

International. A recent survey by Gartner, Inc. reveals that saving time and money are the main reasons why consumers would use artificial intelligence (AI).

"AI is one of the technologies that consumers consider tangible and more 'serious' benefits, rather than socializing, projecting their own image and having fun, three common reasons for using other personal technologies," said Stephanie Baghdassarian, research director at Gartner.

58% of respondents said they would use AI if it helps them save time by taking over some tasks. 53% said they would use AI if it helps them save money. "We can think that AI can look for the best deal for a specific purchase, or find the best route for a particular destination, saving money on toll and fuel payments," Ms. Baghdassarian said.

47% would use AI if it gave them easier access to information, such as travel and transportation addresses and details of their daily consumption of goods.

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Consumers are uncomfortable with AI emotion
"Consumers are ready for a new relationship with AI technologies, but they have clear preferences about how they want that relationship to happen," said Anthony Mullen, research director at Gartner.

The survey also found that more than 70% of respondents are comfortable with artificial intelligence analyzing their vital signs, and with AI identification of facial and voice functions to keep transactions safe.

However, when it comes to artificial intelligence examining emotions in voices or facial expressions, 52 percent of respondents don't want AI to analyze their facial expressions to understand how they feel. In addition, 63 percent don't want AI to take an always-on listening approach to get to know them better.

"Not all consumers have the same reasons for letting AI watch them," Ms Baghdassarian said. "Millennials care that AI understands them better and that they tailor interactions based on what they do, feel and need. Baby boomers seek protection and security when they let AI watch them. Generation X is close to millennials in terms of attitude towards artificial intelligence, understanding their needs, and close to the baby boom generation when it comes to security."

Privacy is a concern
When it comes to privacy, consumers are skeptical about the use of artificial intelligence and worried about what it might mean.

"65% of respondents believe AI will destroy their privacy, rather than improve it," Mr. Mullen said. "As the shift to communicate with systems from humans to machines accelerates, IT leaders must adapt AI approaches to per-person customer engagement to serve different views and preferences. In addition, they must respect user privacy and use AI tools to support privacy and transparency goals."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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