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New filter system developed by Mitsubishi Electric

International. Mitsubishi Electric recently developed a new system of air conditioning filters, thanks to which the consumer can obtain a drastic reduction in their exposure to allergic particles in the home, which represents a scientific breakthrough that can change the lives of millions of people who have some type of allergy.

Mitsubishi Electric's Plasma Quad and Plasma Quad Plus air filters have been tested by the Japanese Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy (ITEA), Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science (KRCES), Sendai Medical Center (SMC) and Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL).

The general results of the different tests showed that the filters are capable of reducing up to 97% the exposure to allergenic particles, viruses and bacteria, which can contribute to controlling allergy symptoms, a message to which it has been added and which has been endorsed by the Spanish Society of Allergology and Immunology (SEAIC).

The effectiveness of these filters is due to the fact that they are formed by an electric generator (plasma lamp / ionizer) that acts by means of a discharge of electric current in the air inlet to eliminate the main environmental pollutants. In this way, the Plasma Quad and Plasma Quad Plus filter system, from the MSZ-FH kirigamine and MSZ-LN Kirigamine Style series from Mitsubishi Electric, has the ability to effectively remove the four main contaminants from the environment: bacteria, viruses, allergens and dust.

- Publicidad -

The particles analyzed were cat allergens in house dust, allergen in ragweed pollen extract, spores of the fungus Penicillium citrinum, environmental bacteria (with the analysis of Staphylococcus aureus) and viral particles.

Highlights the test developed at the Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science (KRCES) which focused on analyzing the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, very present in the daily environment. To do this, these bacteria were introduced into a 25m³ chamber. A reduction in the number of viable particles of 99.94% was observed within 115 minutes of nebulization. With the same mechanism, the device also showed effectiveness in the elimination of particular virals. The reduction of active virus using the device was 99% after 65 minutes.

Another test that obtained very good results was carried out by the Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy (ITEA), which aimed  to examine the decrease in cat allergen particles in household dust. The experiment was carried out in a 1m³ acrylic air chamber, where the allergen in question was spread in the chamber, in addition to introducing 300mg of household dust. The particle count was performed for 1 minute. After the operation, the device had reduced the concentration of cat allergen by 97.1%. With the same mechanism, the reduction of ragweed pollen was analyzed, achieving a reduction of up to 99.8% of particles.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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