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Danfoss systems that improve operability at Coca-Cola plant

Brazil. Danfoss announced that the Maringá plant, one of 11 Coca-Cola FEMSA factories serving more than 72 million consumers in the country, has been adopting LEED-certified recommended practices.

High productivity with energy efficiency is one such practice, whose annual estimate of energy savings reaches 5,400,000 kWh. Technologies and equipment allow the production line to be kept in operation without unforeseen downtime or waste. One of these technologies is Danfoss VLT frequency converters.

The biggest challenge is to maintain the full operating capacity of the machines without unforeseen stops, through the refined electronic speed control of Danfoss VLT frequency converters. This requires efficient preventive maintenance, constant presence of qualified technicians and agility in solving problems as well as replacing parts or equipment. All of this comes with the DrivePro service program. "DrivePro services bring countless benefits. Preventive maintenance, ranging from small adjustments to connections to a complete analysis of the units, builds more confidence in our processes," explained Anderson Ponchak, maintenance supervisor at Coca-Cola FEMSA.

The 450 VLT frequency converters installed in the Maringá factory are present in three Coca-Cola production lines (PET bottles, glass and cans) and in a juice production line, being essential for the operation of the factory. This is because the units control the speed of the mats to meet productivity demands.

- Publicidad -

Fast service is another determining factor for the optimized operation of the factory. This is possible thanks to the proximity to EPS Service, the exclusive authorized partner of Danfoss, whose laboratories are located just a few minutes from the factory. Technicians are always on hand to replace parts quickly when needed. As they respond to service orders in just 20 minutes, the Coca-Cola FEMSA team becomes calmer.

The DrivePro service program offered to Coca-Cola FEMSA mainly involves the periodic cleaning of VLT units and a technical list of analysis of equipment and facilities to detect possible problems.

Reliability is the keyword
"In the first half of 2017, continuous work was carried out without problems in the units. Without the DrivePro Service Program, it would be impossible to anticipate possible operational shutdowns," said Juliano Ferreira de Lima, associate director of EPS Service. The synergy with the Coca-Cola FEMSA maintenance team is evident and fundamental. This is because EPS Service technicians also undergo training to qualify professionals directly related to the care of the production line. "We train our maintenance technicians so that, on a day-to-day basis, they know how to identify potential errors in the processes. The program also ensures the availability of replacement equipment," Ponchak added.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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