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Study on percentages of energy savings in smart buildings

United States. Smart technologies can reduce a building's energy use by nearly one-fifth and produce additional benefits, such as increased worker productivity, according to a new report "Smart Buildings: A Deeper Dive into Market Segments," conducted by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

Until now, large storefront buildings with robust budgets have been early adopters of smart technologies. However, to achieve substantial energy savings in the commercial construction sector, others will need to adopt them as well. The report estimates that smart technologies will save approximately 8% to 18% of total energy consumption in subsectors including class B offices, retail and independent chains, mid-level franchised hotels, and non-teaching regional hospitals. Of course, actual savings will depend on a variety of factors; estimates of average expected savings were made based on publicly available information and data from EIA's commercial building energy consumption survey.

The four subsectors studied (office, retail, hotels and hospitals) already demonstrate notable differences in the use of smart technologies. For example, almost three-quarters of the healthcare sector uses a building automation system, while less than 40% of hotels contain them. Some subsectors can save more energy than others, but given the wide variety of emerging technologies, all can benefit. Below is a snapshot of each subsector, including its average estimated energy savings from the adoption of smart technologies.

Offices (18% average savings) come in all shapes and sizes, and technology is drastically changing the way employees use these buildings. Improved audio and video technology means office workers telecommute more often. Smart technologies such as occupancy sensors, smart thermostats, and lighting and HVAC controls can help reduce energy consumption in vacant offices, conference rooms, and other spaces. Intelligent systems have been shown to improve worker productivity and even increase property value.

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Retail stores
Retail stores (14% average savings) are undergoing their own transformations to stay competitive with online retailers, often focusing on better customer experience and engagement. Intelligent power management systems, thermostats and lights can help reduce energy consumption and create a more comfortable and attractive environment for customers. Certain types of occupancy sensors, such as indoor positioning systems, can also provide the retailer with valuable data about customer behavior in the store.

Hotels (8% average savings) have adopted technologies such as guest management systems and mobile check-in. These technologies can work hand in hand with smart energy-saving technologies that control guest room HVAC systems and window shading. Smart controls can also help reduce lighting and HVAC energy in conference areas and pumps in pool and spa areas. Smart hotels use apps and other technologies to provide guests with a more personalized experience, which in turn can improve hotel revenue.

Hospitals (14% average savings) are increasingly using technology to ensure patient safety, from electronic healthcare management systems to wearable health monitors. Because hospitals typically operate 24/7 and rely on important mechanical equipment to maintain patient health and comfort, they are also the most energy-intensive type of commercial building. Smart technologies can help address long operating hours and high equipment loads. For example, smart lighting systems can reduce energy use and increase patient comfort by better matching light output to occupancy and user needs. Without wasting energy, smart sensors and ventilation controls can maintain the ventilation needed to prevent the spread of disease.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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