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HARDI Announces New Mexican HVAC/R Distribution Organization

Mexico. With the vision of firmly establishing wholesale distributors as a preferred channel for HVAC/R manufacturers and contractors in Mexico, the International Association of Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors (HARDI) will develop a new organization for HVAC/R distributors and their suppliers in Mexico.

"The foundation of our organization is based on the pursuit of our mission, making wholesale distributors the channel of choice for HVACR manufacturers and contractors," says CEO Talbot Gee. "With this new initiative, Mexican wholesale distributors of HVACR products will have their own national organization."

HARDI has appointed former RSM International management consultant Guitze Messina to lead the development as executive director of the new organization, who offers a unique and crucial skill set of valuable experience that will allow him to be a vital resource for HVACR distributors and manufacturers in Mexico.

"Mexican entrepreneurs are incredibly hardworking, passionate and full of endurance," says Messina. "Right now, there is nothing in Mexico that provides resources and representation for them, as this new organization intends to do. I am proud to have had the opportunity to build this Mexican HVACR distribution organization and I am confident that we will be able to navigate the market successfully as we embark on this new venture."

- Publicidad -

Research and planning have been part of an ongoing initiative by HARDI's leadership for the past two years, and this new phase kicks that plan in motion. The official launch of the new Mexican organization will occur at hardi's Annual Conference in December at a Special Mexico Market Summit.

"In order to ensure that we build this organization in the right direction, we will be forming a Leadership Council with Mexican distributors, with some Mexican manufacturers and manufacturer representatives as advisors," Messina continues. "This is your organization, and it's important that we build this from the beginning in partnership with our inaugural members."

Tom Roberts, President of HARDI and CEO of cfm Distributors, Inc., states, "HARDI has grown by leaps and bounds in terms of the quality and quantity of resources and services it provides to its members in the United States and Canada over the past decade. With the progress the organization has seen in that timeframe, expanding the HARDI mission with a focus on representing the Mexican HVACR distribution market is the necessary next step. This is an exciting new effort that will grow to further enhance the resources and services offered to all HARDI members."

If you are interested in participating in the Mexico Market Summit or if you have any questions, please contact Guitze Messina at email: [email protected]

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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