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Innovation Gallery at C&R 2017

Spain. The Climatización y Refrigeración, C&R 2017 fair, which will take place in Madrid, from February 28 to March 3, will have among its technological spaces the Innovation Gallery, where twelve most outstanding equipment or solutions of the exhibition will be presented.

The Gallery seeks to generate incentives for innovation as a practical application of knowledge and technologies in industrial development. Here are the selected products:

Central Ecomarket, by Intarcon
Within the framework of the Ecomarket project, Intarcon has developed a range of compact CO2 refrigeration plants in subcritical cycle with double suction pressure, for cooling at positive and negative temperature. 

Climaver Star, by Saint Gobain Isover  
A rigid panel of high-density mineral wool for a self-supporting duct, which on the outer face has a plasticized aluminum coating with absolute vapor barrier, with ultraviolet protection, resistant to outdoor environments, and which does not need to install, subsequently, any mechanical protection to the duct, as it was done until now. 

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Flexo Therm and Flexo Compact range, by Vaillant
As the main feature, the product allows, with the same unit and refrigeration circuit, to choose between a ground/water installation, open well or air exchange. On the other hand, it is remarkable within the evolution of heat pumps oriented to their operation with shallow geothermal energy, the implementation of a compressor with EVI technology (Reinforced Steam Injection). 

Full CO2 range,  by Eliwell Ibérica     
The range of Full CO2 plants offers a very interesting degree of innovation due to the use of refrigeration systems based on CO2 refrigerants from an efficiency and safety perspective, which provides the sector with an efficient solution in the present and future of these facilities.

K4 cutting wrenches and collectors in Eurocobil kit
The K4 Series consists of two models of cutting faucets and two collectors for domestic water and domestic hot water. 

Keyter Versia key RH 1090, by Keyter
It is a compact reversible heat pump equipment for the treatment of primary air and installation in false ceiling of commercial premises Keyter Versia Key RH are units condensed by air with the exhaust air of the premises. 

Keyter Langia key ZB HFO, by Keyter
Reversible chillers and heat pumps Keyter Langia Key ZB. Compact water-water units for refrigeration and air conditioning applications or for operation as a water-condensed water heat pump with low global warming potential (GWP) ecological refrigeration fluid based on hydrofluorolefin (HFO) family chemistry, R1234ze.

 Mosaic Octoplus, by Hitecsa
A full-inverter  hydronic system in which  the comfort decisions of the end users applied to the individual thermostat of each indoor or remote unit, predispose the mode of operation of the central unit by pumping hot or cold water. 

Nocria X, by Eurofred
The Nocria X air conditioning equipment uses as a novelty  a triple ventilation system, front and side, which produces a silent and healthy breeze, which allows to condition any room avoiding the temperature contrasts that produce uncomfortable muscle discomfort or colds, without renouncing silence and obtaining  maximum energy efficiency.  

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Mitsubishi Domestic Range MSZ-LN Series
The unit represents an air conditioning concept that will work with R410A refrigerant and can also work with  R32 refrigerant. 

Multi Split Inverter R-32 system with hybrid domestic hot water (DHW) production, from Daikin AC Spain
Product intended for homes that require hot water, both for DHW and for heating by means of low temperature radiators or underfloor heating and cooling with wall units.

Super ZXD Duo and Trio, from Compact Refrigerators
The new units are designed to work with the new low GWP/GWA refrigerants and, among their characteristics, the low refrigerant gas load, the reduction of the risk of leaks based on the partialization of the total refrigerant load when using several units and the low CO2 emissions due to their high energy efficiency (floating condensation, EC fans, digital compressors, optimized evaporation).

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Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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