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Boiler renovation allows savings of up to 40%

International. The Communities of Owners with central heating system that renew their old boilers by condensing boilers and individualize their heating system achieve, on average, annual energy savings of more than 40%. 

This is clear from a report carried out by the Spanish company Remica Servicios Energéticos, prepared with data obtained by the certifying entity TÜV Rheinland during the last two heating seasons (2013/14 and 2014/15).

In the summer of 2013 Remica Servicios Energéticos commissioned the certifying company TÜV Rheinland to evaluate the energy savings that occurred in buildings with central heating, in which energy saving and efficiency measures (MAEs) were implemented, determined by the EVO IPMVP Protocol, which is the most prestigious in the countries around us.

The buildings, with savings to be certified, had to meet the following conditions:

- Publicidad -

Have reliable data (invoices) of the energy consumption of the three years prior to the realization of the reforms; that is, from June 2010 to May 2013. The average consumption of these three years is the data that is taken as a reference to calculate the savings after the application of MAEs.

Have applied MAEs: Change of existing boilers for condensing boilers and installation of the consumption individualization system, through thermostatic valves and cost allocators.
Have thermal energy meters in the boiler room, both heating and domestic hot water.

By evaluating Remica's  EVO IPMVP and the energy consumption bills produced each year, TÜV Rheinland can issue certificates of real energy savings on an annual basis, during the seven years following the implementation of the reform.

Conclusions of the report
Of the reforms carried out in 2013 by Remica Servicios Energéticos, 29 Communities of Owners meet all the conditions indicated above. These Communities are mostly located in Madrid, although there are also some in Valladolid and Cáceres.

After the implementation of MAEs, during the heating season 2013/2014 savings of 25.54% were achieved in the building that reduced its energy consumption the least, and 52.32% in the building with the greatest savings, with the average savings in the 29 buildings of 37.89% during the first year.

In the second season (2014/2015), in the same buildings, the savings were even greater, with a minimum of 31.30%, a maximum of 64.98% and an average saving of 41.62%.

The company's analysis is that this significant variation in the savings achieved was perhaps due to the fact that the winter 2014/15 had been milder than 2013/14 and they resorted to data from the State Meteorological Agency (Degrees-base day 20/20 in Madrid Barajas from October to May of each year) and the surprise was that not only had the second winter not been milder (2,276.2 GD20), but it had recorded lower temperatures than the previous one (2,202.4 GD20), that is, it was 3.35% colder.

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Faced with the surprise, the company consulted with multinational companies in the sector to learn how the experience had been in other countries in which they had implemented the systems of individualization of heating consumption. His answer was that, during the first three years after adopting this measure, energy savings in the Communities of Owners are increasing progressively. The most reasonable explanation for this evidence is that not everyone changes their heating consumption habits during the first year and it takes a while to reconcile the desired comfort and expense.

"We are looking forward to having the data of the third season, to check if the trend of the increase in savings is maintained and we promise to publish the data obtained as soon as we have them certified," says Mr. José Porras, President of the Remica Group.


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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