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Air conditioning installations with polypropylene pipe

Panama. During RefriAméricas 2015, Italsan Panama presented within its PPR Niron System catalog, the Niron Clima pipe for water-water and water-air air conditioning installations. 

In recent years, various plastic piping systems for cold water lines, A.C.S., heating and air conditioning have been established in the installation sector. Among these systems are PPR polypropylene pipes and fittings, with their own characteristics that are ideal for this type of installation.

PpR pipes suitable for air conditioning, have a fiberglass reinforcement in their intermediate layer, which allows greater stability and rigidity against high temperatures, which is when the dreaded expansions occur. In this way, the expansion coefficient is reduced from 0.15 mm to 0.04 mm.

In the system of pipes and ppr fittings the union is made by socket thermofusion (female male) and / or electrofusion. In the union there is a single material, PPR. Metal elements such as washers, bushings, or other materials that have a different behavior over time are not needed in the union. This homogeneity in the joint makes the PPR system the safest thermoplastic piping system.

- Publicidad -

Other properties of PPR Niron pipes and fittings are as follows:

  • Lightweight pipe and accessory, easy to handle. 
  • Absence of metallic corrosion phenomena of an electrochemical nature.
  • Abrasion resistant.
  • Resistant to the most common treatments of prevention to Legionella, both by thermal shock and by hyperchlorination.
  • Less possibility of formation of biolayer deposits on the inner surface of the pipe, compared to any non-plastic pipe.
  • Reduced pressure losses. The internal walls of the pipe have a low absolute roughness (0.007 mm), a property that is maintained throughout its useful life.
  • Low thermal conductivity: 0.24 W/ m*K. That is, 1500 times less heat conductor than copper and 380 times less than steel.

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