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HVAC/R sector in Brazil would have a growth of 10% during 2014

Brazil. The scenario of economic slowdown and falling sales did not affect the refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and ventilation segment. National data shows that the segment has been growing for the past seven years and the expectation for the end of 2014 is no different.

The industry expects to close 2014 with a total of US$16.2 billion in air conditioning sales, an increase of 10% compared to 2013. Sales in 2013 were estimated at US$14.8 billion and by the end of 2014 it is estimated to add US$16.2 billion in sales in the HVAC/R industry.

The data were presented at a conference held recently at the headquarters of the Southern Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (Asbrav), in Porto Alegre. The event was held in collaboration with the Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (Abrava) and ASHRAE.

"This is a statement that has been made many years ago. The segment involving air conditioning generates thousands of jobs in the country and needs to carry these numbers to show the importance of our industry in the country's economy," said Asbrav President Luiz Afonso Dias.

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Abrava President Wadi Thaddeus Neaime has seen shocking growth in recent years. "With or without a crisis in the national economic environment, the air conditioning segment continues to grow impressively. Our sector is made up of several areas. So when you don't do well, others compensate. Another factor is that the demand of the Brazilian territory is large and has very high temperatures. You need refrigeration for food, water, and medicine. Although no one lives in the environment without air conditioning anymore because the outside temperatures rose too high. But there are still a large number of houses and buildings still without air conditioning."

The sale of Split equipment already represents 74% of the market. The model called "Window" has fallen in sales and currently has the market share around 14%. As for the purchase of equipment, research shows that consumers consider price to be the most important factor (33%). Quality ranks second with 20%, followed by electricity consumption (13%).

Between 2012 and 2013 the number of households in Brazil grew by 2.5%, which means more than 1.6 million households. It is estimated that 13% of homes have air conditioning.

Image: Abrava President Wadi Thaddeus Neaime during the conference held at the Asbrav headquarters.


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