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Recommendations for efficient housing

altInternational. A total of 23 recommendations for building efficient housing were shared by the British Council and the General Directorate of Building Affairs Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works of England.

In a note published by the site, both entities seek that users of residential buildings reduce carbon dioxide emissions, waste, energy and water consumption. The following are the recommendations: Renewable energies
1. Use of solar panels on roofs to generate electricity.
2. Wind turbines for extra electricity.
3. Solar collectors for hot water.
4. Frequent monitoring on pumps and fans to minimize energy.
5. Use of R410 refrigerant
6. Glasses with spectral selectivity. Energy saving
7. Power analyzers for total power consumption.
8. Polyurethane self-insulating ducts to eliminate leaks and ensure hygienic conditions.
9. Storage of ice during the night, at which time the cost of electricity is lower and can be used during the day. Heating
10. Heating from the ground in humid areas.
11. CO2 sensors to check the return of air in air conditioning.
12. Heat pump from the subsoil to regulate the water and obtain hot supply in winter and cold in summer.
13. Thermal insulation on ceiling and walls to minimize heat accumulation and loss.
14. Triple glazing on windows for heat loss and reduction of external noise.
15. Use of heat stored in concrete and computers for air conditioning. Lighting
16. Luminous tubes for lighting.
17. Light tubes for the transfer of outdoor daylight in indoor spaces.
18. Multi-sensors sensitive to light and movement, for control of lighting switches.
19. A time-based program to synchronize with the lighting system. Water Saving
20. Urinals without water.
21. Take advantage of the native vegetation of the area and use the minimum of water when doing landscaping work.
22. A second piping system for the reuse of grey water in toilets.
23. Drip irrigation system with rainwater harvesting.

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