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Brussels calls for setting a renewables target of at least 30% by 2030

The European Commission has asked to set a maximum period of two years, that is, in 2014, a new mandatory target for 2030 for renewable energies on total consumption, with the aim of giving time and legal certainty to investors when planning. The Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, has defended that this target is at least 30%.

The EU has committed by 2020 to reduce emissions by 20%, increase the share of renewables to 20% and increase energy efficiency by 20%. All these goals are already legally binding, and that is why the EU Executive has launched this Thursday the debate on the energy mix that the EU must promote by 2050.

The objective, Oettinger recalled, is to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 80% and guarantee security of supply. This "decarbonisation" is "technically possible and economically defensible", the commissioner said. "The costs are almost the same if we do something as if we do nothing," he added.

The Commissioner for Energy has also defended that the necessary investments between now and 2030 be made as soon as possible because "if we do not invest now and delay the decisions, we will pay more for the total bill". In addition, early investments will allow for better prices in the future. Brussels believes that electricity prices will continue to rise until 2030 but could fall later thanks to lower cost of supply, savings policies and technological improvements.

- Publicidad -

To achieve the 80% target by 2050, the energy sector "must reduce its CO2 emissions by almost 100%", as others, such as transport, will only be able to do so by 60%, Oettinger explained.

The share of renewables "should increase considerably" and it will be necessary to set a new mandatory intermediate target for 2030. In his opinion, the goal could be at least 30%, and reach 50% in electricity production.

As for coal, Oettinger has said that, given its large volume of emissions, "it only has a future if the capture and storage of CO2 is achievable." Gas will be "essential for electricity and heating", but its use will also depend on whether CO2 capture and storage projects succeed.

As far as nuclear energy is concerned, the Community Executive avoids giving recommendations to the Member States and presents two scenarios. In the first, which contemplates that only the plants that are already being built will be used in 2050, while those that exist will be closed when their useful life ends, it foresees that the share of nuclear energy will fall from the current 14% to 3% of consumption.

But if carbon capture and storage projects are unsuccessful or delay this technology, the role of nuclear power should increase to 18%. (EUROPA PRESS)

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