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The Generalitat highlights the importance of renewable energies to generate technology industry

The director of the Valencian Energy Agency (AVEN), Antonio Cejalvo, stressed on Wednesday "the importance of the renewable energy sector and energy efficiency, as a generator of an industrial fabric of high technological value", as reported by the Generalitat in a statement.

Cejalvo in his visit to the electronic components company Power Electronics in the Paterna Technology Park (Valencia), has emphasized the firm commitment that the Generalitat is making to increase the weight of renewable energy sources in our energy structure.

"This commitment is born from the conviction that renewable energies are the only possibility of self-sufficiency in primary energy in the Valencian Community and its use supposes a reduction of the environmental impacts that entail the processes of generation and transformation of energy" you said.

"But in addition," he continued, "it should be noted that together with the environmental benefits of renewables, their implementation in the Community is promoting the creation of an associated industrial fabric that is generating wealth and employment in the Community."

- Publicidad -

Currently, according to data from the AVEN in the Valencian Community, the renewable energy sector already employs about 5,000 people, mainly in the photovoltaic solar energy sector where there are 350 companies.

According to Cejalvo, "all the sectors involved in the value chain of renewable energies and energy efficiency are emerging sectors that have a large component of technological innovation and a marked, while demonstrated, capacity to generate employment".

Power Electronics is the leading national manufacturer of static starters and variable speed drives and has recently created a new renewable energy division for the manufacture of solar inverters.

It has facilities, recently expanded, of more than 8,000 m2 of surface. The company has in its facilities in Valencia a Technological Research Center, one of the largest research laboratories in Electronics of world power and unique in Spain and which houses a climate test chamber (from -40ºC to 85ºC with 98% humidity) a Laboratory of study of savings with clean energies and an anechoic chamber, unique in the Valencian Community. (EUROPA PRESS)

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