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Green Entrepreneurship

Article submitted by Nelson Troconis Parilli

Given the energy needs and the challenge of climate change (ecological crisis), product of greenhouse gases, whose main source is the emission of fossil fuels, the need to innovate in clean energy sources arises. Several countries have begun to recognize this requirement with the demand for green technology. As a result, a Green Race is triggered for an efficient use of natural resources, for the production of goods and services.

This presents for national and international economies great opportunities that are recognized not only by the private sector but by governments, who are taking note of this Green Race to compete in the global race for jobs in the future. The U.S. Energy Secretary recognized the success of China and other countries in clean industries as a new "Sputnik Moment," a reminder of the time when Washington, faced with the launch in 1957 of the first artificial satellite by the Soviet Union, became aware of the political importance of participating in the space race. The European Union (EU) also changed its approach to climate change, warning of the duty to act against global warming (moral crusade) to protect its economic interests, its jobs and its growth.

The world's population over the next 40 years will approach 9 billion and, according to the International Energy Agency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions will require investments in low-carbon technologies of approximately $750 billion a year by 2030 and more than $1.6 trillion annually between 2030 and 2050. This emergency, commit governments and companies in the solution of the problem, in pursuit of obtaining technology and disseminating their achievements on a planetary scale in a massive way (inclusive inventiveness) with incentive strategy and all kinds of stimuli, overcoming iniquities between countries and regions, since the goals are common to a win-win: reduction of emissions and climate stabilization.

- Publicidad -

The world's traditional leading and emerging economies must be able to provide efficient and non-polluting systems. To achieve a transformation of their internal markets they need to generate demand, create capacities and increase their size (eco-innovation). This level of change can only be achieved in a new partnership between governments and the private sector. Market forces alone are not strong enough to achieve such a transformation. We need the help of supporting regulatory frameworks to stimulate demand for new products (goods and services).

During COP 16, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development released a report entitled Innovating for Green Growth. The report demonstrates that the Green Race between countries (governments and companies) offers significant opportunities in investment in the low-carbon technologies market; but success cannot be achieved without the participation of both sectors.


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FG_AUTHORS: Val Escobedo

See Original.

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