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The Greenest Cities in the World

Here we present a list of the 10, well 11, greenest and greenest cities in the world according to Forbes magazine, several criteria were taken into account, including cleanliness and the actions in favor of the environment they carry out, as well as their sustainable decisions.

1.Calgary, Canada

Population: 988,193
Metropolitan area: 5,107 square kilometres

Calgary is the fastest growing city in Canada and has been known in the past as an oil and gas hub. Today it has acquired an added appeal in sports and is increasingly sought after by tourists. It has a light industry. It was chosen by the Economic Intelligence Unit as a leading city to live in.

2.Honolulu, Hawaii

Population: 377,260
Metropolitan area: 272 square kilometres

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Honolulu is a resort and features light industry. It has an excellent public transportation system with off-track buses, which has been the target of praise by the American Public Transportation Association.

3.Helsinki, Finland

Population: 564,908
Metropolitan area: 185 square km

Helsinki is Finland's entry into international trade and communication. It is the political capital of the country, business, media and a cultural center. It has a tram, a subway system and a light rail system.

4.Ottawa, Canada

Population: 859,704
Metropolitan area: 2,778 square kilometers

Ottawa is the capital of Canada and its fourth largest city. Its economy revolves around a mix of government functions and high-tech enterprises. It's called the Silicon Valley of the North. Ottawa has a light rail system for transportation.


Population: 382,618
Metropolitan area: 151 square kilometers

Minneapolis is the largest city in Minnesota and is clearly a twin city of St. Paul. It is the center of the state for media, business and culture. It makes heavy use of the bike lanes, but also has a light rail and bus system.

6.Oslo, Norway
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Population: 548,411
Metropolitan area: 454 square kilometers

Oslo is the capital of Norway and its largest city. It is a maritime hub for the country, and transport companies are big business. It has the largest cargo port in Norway.

7. Stockholm, Sweden

Population: 780,818
Metropolitan area: 35 square km

Stockholm is the political and economic capital of Sweden. It specializes in the service industry, and the city is almost devoid of heavy industry. As the financial center of the country, it is also where companies are headquartered, and has a recognized transportation system.

8. Zurich, Switzerland

Population: 366,809
Metropolitan area: 91 square km

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and has a global presence. It is the cultural capital of German-speaking Switzerland. It has been described as the city with the best quality of life in the world. It enjoys the benefits of high-speed trains, highways, trams, buses and has a high traffic rate.

10.Katsuyama, Japan
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Population: 26,961
Metropolitan area: 253 square kilometers

Katsuyama is a small town in Fukui Prefecture, with a large presence in sports such as skiing and tourism. It is also well known for its important dinosaur museum. It is a new city, it was founded in 1954.

10.(tie) Bern, Switzerland

Population: 127,000
Metropolitan area: 52 square km

The capital of Switzerland, Bern is a cultural and commercial center as well. Its economy, beyond the functions of the national government, is based on high technology and finance. It is known for being a major producer of dairy products and chocolate.

FG_AUTHORS: Val Escobedo

See Original.

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