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Let's Deactivate The Largest Carbon Bomb On The Planet Press Release

Today we are writing to ask you to help us prevent a fossil fuel disaster: the Keystone XL pipeline project. A project that, if carried out, will transport oil from the oil sands of Alberta (Canada) to the Gulf of Mexico.
Why are we opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline? Because crude oil from those sands, which is one of the most polluting and highest carbon fossil fuels, is one of the largest carbon concentrations in the world. As NASA scientist James Hansen said, any attempt to exploit the oil sands will mean that "it will be the end for our climate."

It is time to position yourself and contribute to the deactivation of the largest carbon bomb on the planet.
A crucial part of the mission to save the planet is to stop the use of fossil fuels, which is why we are preparing for Planet in Motion, an international day of action that will take place on September 24 to leave behind the use of fossil fuels.
The movement to end the oil sands requires international solidarity. Here's how you can join Leaders in North America to take a stand against the oil sands in two different ways:

1) The petition has launched a petition for President Obama, as the decision whether or not to ban the pipeline is solely his. It is he who must sign (or prohibit) a "certificate of national interest" before the pipeline is built. Congress cannot oppose it, so we are calling on President Obama to raise his voice and demonstrate the leadership for which so many people voted for him. If we achieve our goal of collecting 35,000 signatures, we will be able to make a big impression when we present them in Washington DC (USA). Sign the petition today.

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2) Civil disobedience
We are spreading the word about a campaign of civil disobedience that is taking place in August in Washington DC. Currently, organizers claim there are 1200 people registered to demonstrate peacefully and risk arrest in front of the White House. If you are interested in joining this initiative (which is not coordinated by directly), you can do so or send it to friends who are in the United States. The address is

From Ghandi to Martin Luther King to Apartheid in South Africa, civil disobedience movements (i.e., intentionally disobeying certain laws as a peaceful means of political protest) have shown that they can create change in times of crisis around the world. We cannot allow political leaders to continue to promote the path to climate destabilization. We need bold actions to wake them up.

As we approach our big day of action to organize a world without fossil fuels on September 24, we need international support in this concrete fight against the oil sands. It is time to stand up against this injustice and continue to fight locally in our communities for a safe and just climate. Unite your voice today.

Moving on,

Jamie Henn on behalf of the team

P.S. Only a large citizen opposition movement will be able to help block the pipeline project. Can you take a moment to share this campaign with your friends on Facebook and Twitter? Thanks a lot.

P.S.2 We are focusing on the oil sands because we have a narrow margin to act and stop this carbon bomb, but we are moving forward with our plans for Planet in Motion, the BIG international day of action that will take place on October 24. On that day, communities from all over the world will gather to abandon the consumption of fossil fuels. Oil sands and thermal power plants will be exchanged for bicycles, solar and wind energy. If you haven't participated yet, you can find an event in your community or create a new one.

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FG_AUTHORS: Val Escobedo

See Original.

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Entrevista a Jaime Maldonado, Presidente de Air-Con Inc

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