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Diploma in Public Bicycles and Sustainable Transport

The Faculty of Architecture of the National Autonomous University of Mexico through its
Division of Continuing Education and the Academic Unit of Landscape Architecture invite the following:

1st International Diploma in Cycling Infrastructure, Public Bicycles and Sustainable Transport

Coordinator: Soc. Antonio Suárez Bonilla (FEBO)

Informative talk: August 25, 2011 / 17:00 hrs

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The Diploma aims to learn how to design, plan and operate cycling infrastructure, show the strategies for the implementation of public bicycle systems and their relationship with the rest of transport in urban environments and public space.

Aimed at
Architects, urban planners, landscapers, traffic engineers, urban designers, municipal authorities, delegations and in general the public interested in mobility, sustainable transport, health, the urban landscape, public space and the bicycle.
In 2 modules divided into 4 courses of 30 hours each, 4 thematic axes are developed accompanied by 12 field experiences in which the participant will be able to interact with the operators, administrators and designers of the main bicycle mobility projects, activist groups, companies and transport systems of Mexico City and the world.

Provide theoretical and practical information for the planning, design and operation of cycling infrastructure in urban environments, developing 4 main themes in two modules

Module I: Thursdays 8, 22 and Friday 9 and 23 from 9:00 to 14:00 hrs and from 14:30 to 17:30 hrs, Saturdays10 and 24 from 10:00 to 14:30 hrs and on Sundays 11 and 25 there will be 2 visits-walks to Sunday closures of the Cd, Mexico. Each visit will be from 8:00 am until concluding activity in the afternoon. Total 60 hrs.
In the period between modules the student will select a project, which must be registered with the coordinator, as well as carry out 2 personal or group visits on their own, field for the realization of the same with a duration of 7.5 hours each.
Module II: Thursdays 3 and 24 and Friday 4 and 25 from 9:00 to 14:00 hrs and from 14:30 to 17:30 hrs, Saturdays 5 and 26 from 10:00 to 14:30 hrs and Sunday 6 from 8:00 hrs until concluding activity in the afternoon. Total 60 hrs.

It is essential to have the minimum skill and condition to ride a bicycle in the city, since there will be 6 bicycle trips to know the different projects and 6 outdoor visits.

Course I: The bicycle and mobility in cities.
Course II: Public bicycle systems.
Course III: Bicycles and other modes of transport
Course IV: Design and project workshop

Yolanda Alonso, Bernardo Baranda, Pedro Camarena, Jose Ignacio Campillo, Areli Carreón, Onésimo Flores, Salvador Herrera, Javier Hidalgo, Adriana Lobo, Antonio Plá, Enrique Soto Alva, Antonio Suárez, Manuel Suárez.
Institutions: ALDF, B-cycle, Bicitaxis del Valle de México, Bicitekas, CTS, Delegación Coyoacán, Ecobici, GDF, Grupo Equal, INJUVE DF, ITDP, LAAP, Laboratorio de Infraestructura Verde, Mexico Bike Tour, Metrobús, SMA, STC-Metro, Tren Suburbano, UNAM.

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10% discount to UNAM students and professors with valid credentials.

Reports and registrations
Division of Continuing Education of the Faculty of Architecture UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F.
Tel DEC: 5622 0711 • Tel/Fax DEC: 5622 0703 • [email protected]

diplomado de bicicleta y transporte sustentable

Authors: Val Escobedo

See Original.

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