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Functional Elements for Air-Conditioned Spaces

Elementos Funcionales para Espacios Climatizados Functional Elements for Air-Conditioned Spaces

Creating an air-conditioned space is a task that combines knowledge of architecture, engineering, and also requires elements that allow maximum comfort, while having the best finishes.

In many cases, the objective goes beyond just air conditioning spaces to make them useful, but that these spaces are visually aesthetic, as is the case of houses, offices, hotels, squares or restaurants; this condition also exists in constructions whose exteriors require functional finishes with certain quality characteristics.

When working in interior spaces, the designer must consider functionality and that all the elements used coexist directly with the user, either as part of the air conditioning or as an element that helps maintain temperature levels avoiding variations in order to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure.

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On the other hand, the exterior elements are not only useful for covering parts of the construction, but in many cases isolate the whole so that the ambient temperature and noise do not modify the internal conditions.

Internal elements

Since the HVAC&R details placed in interiors can directly modify or sometimes affect the decoration of spaces, it is sought that they coexist harmoniously with the rest of the interior design, and among these are:

Air conditioning systems. Different manufacturers of residential air conditioning and heating equipment have put special interest in offering their market solutions that in addition to being functional and increasingly efficient, today are added to the decorative elements.

For example, LG Electronics uses them "because today air conditioning is an integral part of buildings and the home, resulting in a harmony with the environments," says Antonio Hidalgo, marketing director of this company.

The elements that LG takes into account to apply them in their finishes are determined by the taste of the public, the image they want to project (sophistication and good taste). Nowadays air conditioning is a part of the image that is projected in the home and in the buildings.

In addition to the fact that air conditioners have the function of creating a comfortable environment, the advantages of the finishes in equipment reflect modernity and aesthetics, while remaining practical and functional.

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Although it could be believed that the process of designing the finishes begins with the help of a designer or architect, companies turn to their public to know which way to go, taking into account the participation of the market to which it is directed, presenting proposals to the public before continuing with the development of each component, to ensure that it is to your liking.

Its use is intended for all types of constructions currently, from offices to the home, the product is not limited by its design, always seeking not to subtract functionality from it" says Antonio Hidalgo. He also explains that the middle point between aesthetics and functionality does not exist with products, "there is not, since it combines both, and today it is so accessible that not even its price is a factor against it".

Air conditioning equipment has evolved aesthetically and technologically over the years, before they were consoles that were limited to providing cold, then their function was no longer only that, but also aimed to air condition the environments. The expectations of these teams could not continue advancing, although against all odds they did: some have lights and even therapeutic functions, others are the most sought after by people with greater purchasing power.

Grilles, diffusers, louvers and air returns. As part of the air conditioning and ventilation systems these elements are visible to the user. To help improve their aesthetic qualities, manufacturing companies have sought to improve designs so that they do not interfere with interior design. Additionally, the companies that manufacture this type of elements have developed solutions that allow any of the elements to be integrated in a simple way and without affecting the surface finishes of the space.

Grids and diffusers offer industrial, commercial, hotel and residential solutions for ventilation and air handling applications. NAMM for example, is a company that uses the tools of engineering, appearance and performance to offer utility, comfort and design, which leads to ensuring that its products are used and taken into account by engineers, architects and now interior designers.

The design of these products has also been aimed at combining other elements such as automation, which achieves greater comfort for its users. Companies producing grids, diffusers and air returns have designed and developed support mechanisms for greater air control, such is the case of NAMM and its roll gates that allow controlling air volumes through the pipeline network. These motorized volume control gates, against fire and smoke-fire, gravity or barometric, industrial and heavy use for high temperatures in addition to being aesthetically friendly with the eye, to provide comfort, enhance their functionality to higher levels.

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While air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation systems continue to be used in constructions, there will be equipment such as handlers, compressors, racks and many more, and in turn, as long as this equipment exists there will be a need for louvers and outdoor grilles.

These accessories for HVAC&R systems represent a very important part since they are the means of air outlet from the operating equipment to the outside of the construction, and from the aesthetic point of view they serve to hide the aforementioned equipment so that they are not visible from the outside, which could subtract points from the visual set.

Different manufacturers of these items (for indoors and outdoors) have developed interesting products that make it possible to hide the equipment completely, without the hot air accumulating inside the machinery spaces. In addition, the variety of designs available can, according to the application, prevent the entry of rainwater, avoid air return by the flow of expelled air and many features of great importance and utility.

Additionally, the manufacture of these accessories has benefited from finishing techniques that allow them to be converted from purely functional pieces into authentic decorative elements for exteriors, providing them with great added value.

To ensure the well-being of finishes in spaces and increase the lightness of diffusers and grids, these elements are already manufactured in plastic (PVC). This material ensures its durability and safety, so that on its surface no rust or accumulation of bacteria transported within the ventilation and air conditioning systems is generated.


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